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Are you happy with the labour Government?

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I moved this to General Chat rather than General Sheffield Chat where you first posted it. If you meant for us to discuss local politics then let me know and I'll move it back. I'm assuming you are talking nationally though...

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"New Labour not a tax and spend party".

6 and a half years down the line, and the chancellor is borrowing billions to spend on public services, wasted by the fact that most spending will be on red tape and civil servants. Since 1997, the cost of running Whitehall has risen from 14.8billion to just under 21billion today. For every new police officer, 2 civil servants are being employed. The spending is certainly there, but its not going in the right places and the general public can see very little improvement for the extra amount being spent. Then there are the taxes. Over 60 new taxes introduced by Labour since 1997. Dramatic rises in council tax, up to 40% a year in some areas. Not to mention all of the "stealth" taxes that voters are burdened with. The average Briton is paying more tax now than pre-1997 and seeing very little, if any, reward.


Then there are the "top up" fees for universities. These will serve only to burden students with massive debts to start their working lives with, and with house prices through the roof many will not be able to afford property until well into their 30s or later. Some students may also be put off by the prospect of starting out in life in so much debt. Then theres the fact that the policy may even result in a LOSS for the universities due to all the extra red tape and concessions for poor students, so in trying to raise extra money for the universities the government may actually end up generating less than they do now.

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Far from it.


They seem to have a policy and have had if for yonks.


'Don't stand in the way of potential votes. Don't rock the boat, keep your heads down and make little noises and soundbites...that way we will get away with it'


I have been rattling on about this for ages.


IMO this is the worst government this country has ever been falsely led to vote for.


A manifesto which has been altered and changed daily.


A megalomaniac for a prime minister and his retinue of programmed robots in support.


All destroying this country (and other countries) daily.

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Originally posted by Lickszz

Far from it.


They seem to have a policy and have had if for yonks.


'Don't stand in the way of potential votes. Don't rock the boat, keep your heads down and make little noises and soundbites...that way we will get away with it'



Dont go to war with Iraq despite a huge amount of opposition


Oh hang on


Let me go back a step


That doesnt fit quite with "dont rock the boat" does it


In fact it is a bit more like "Do what you think is right and bugger the rest"


So how about if we argue on that basis instead?

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