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Vacuum/hoover for dog hair?


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it's the brushing action you need to concentrate on for cleaning pet hair Elizabeth, and there just isn't anything else comparable to the Sebo. The removable roller brush (at the touch of a button) was often the feature that elicited the word 'sold!' from a customer when I was selling them. No more faffing with a screwdriver and scissors


If you're considering shampooing with the vax, I'd say 'don't'. The detergent used traps dirt in your carpets more rapidly afterwards, meaning cleaning sooner. Steaming is best with pets anyway, as this kills the bacteria that cause smells (and it's drier quicker)

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I've had Vax recommended in the past - any views on what that ones like?

I know you can get 2200w ones with 300w suction power - sounds good but is it really?


I've had 5 Vax machines in the last 8 years, including 2 of the posher ones. One of them has a 6 year warranty on it and has been back to Vax 4 times in the 3 years we've had it because of various faults (and it only does half a house, remember) and the other posh one was scrapped when it was literally a few weeks outside its guarantee period because one of the motors burned out and neither Vax nor an independent repair company we contacted could source an appropriate replacement motor.


I am amazed that my really elderly orange Vax is still functioning after 20 years, after a few years of sucking up soot and rubble during building works. When the work was finished I took it to pieces, cleaned it thoroughly, gave it new filters and tools and it works just like new, but it's a cylinder vacuum so it's not really that suitable for the areas of the house where the very long haired dog lives.

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ah, see, now, you probably should have got the Sebo Felix to lug up and down stairs Medusa :D


No, we have a perfectly functional upstairs vacuum cleaner already and wouldn't want to be carting any vacuum cleaner up and down with my knackered back and one gammy arm if I have a choice thanks :)

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Three words: Sebo. felix. brilliant


Got. Miele cat n dog (great vac but weighs a ton) a dyson (overrated). A handheld dyson (battery life is crap). An irobot (novl but hardly effective) and have worked my way thru practically every brand since leaving home in 1983. The Sebo is my out and out favorite - I tested mine for Your Cat magazine. My only gripe is that you have to hold onto it to stop it falling over but it is so efficient, light n easy-peasy to use love it. Oh and I managed to drop mine own the cellar steps and it still works!

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... And Im pretty sure none of the vacuum cleaner designers are women because every make and model ive roadtested over the years has clearly been designed by an idiot who never cleans floors! My dyson upright (compact) is useless for hoovering soft furnishings unless you have arms at least two foot long

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That's why I have 2, so I don't have to cart them up n downstairs. I use the cylinder for the hard floors downstairs n the upright for the carpets upstairs


Yup, I have at least one per floor so Im not lugging equipment up my narrow dingy staircases

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I find a rubber brush very good for dog hair, then we go over with the hoover afterwards.
I have to admit, I was tempted to try modifying my mum's sebo with a rubber blade as well as the brushes to tackle her elkhound hair on her red hall carpet (who buys a red carpet when they own an elkhound, I ask you :rolleyes: )
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I've had my Miele Cat and Dog for about 3 years and it does the job perfectly. Jack doesn't have very long hair but they do get stuck in the deep pile carpet and this brings it up a treat. It's a cylinder rather than an upright, not sure if that makes a difference.

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