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Extremely offensive shop display?

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Rather than being worried about some offensive cards harming your children maybe you should be more concerned with the goverment cuts and extortionate university fees which will undoubtedly cause alot more harm to your children.


That's very true and also totally irrelevant to the topic that the OP has raised. Which is basically asking for opinions on whether you think it's right or not to have foul language like this on public display?


I personally don't, but I realise I'm old-fashioned and that it's perfectly acceptable nowadays to most people.


I am also concerned about government cuts btw - and I think I'd be even more concerned if we weren't making the cuts because clearly we're short of money and can't keep on spending like the last government seemed to plan to do. I think Uni fees are a concern too. As is the longer term future for our children who have little or no chance of getting on the property ladder like we may have done in our early adult years. And in some cases, they will be lucky to even have a job - even WITH a good degree behind them.


Nevermind - they can always enjoy foul language in public instead eh? That will make us all feel better.

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Personally i'm not offended by the type of stuff the OP refers to, these are novelty items so there's something for everyone of all tastes but generally, they're not for kids ... BUT, i do get surprised and quite shocked (even at my age!) at the explicit adult magazine fronts lined up in newsagents, particularly near the till where you queue to pay - if it's busy and you're waiting a while it's difficult to miss them and i don't think it's appropriate at all... i can't believe they're not better concealed.. (some shops do have covers on but ..) I dunno - i'm not a prude at all but come on... !! ;-/

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As a side note, in pre victorian times, the C word was considered no more offensive than "tuppence" would be today (as in lady parts).

Also to be called pretty would mean you were cunning, or untrustworthy rather than a looker.


I have a book called dirty words that gives alot of the origins of swearwords and slang words. Its interesting to see how language changes over time.


As for the original point, you cant please all of the people all of the time. :|

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Unfortunatly swearing and swear words have lost there 'shock' value due to over use.

It is a sign of the times that to many bands/singers use profanity to add an 'edge' to there music, because of this many swear words have lost any impact.

People of an older generation were brought up not to swear (at least the worst words) in front of women and children. These days it dont seem to matter what words people use or in what context or in front of kids.

Going back to the OP's point:

I think they are wrong not to at least put a sign saying 'Some items in this shop may be unsitable for children, if easily offended please do not enter'

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How can you possibly say that these are 'mildly offensive'?. they include the strongest swear words available. The shop should have a '18' only sign on the door. I'm no prude but children should not be subjected to this.
Someone please think of the children
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This thread is a good barometer of how standards in society have slipped over the years, to the point where people are no longer offended at stuff which would have been totally unacceptable a few years ago.



If you want to introduce change without shocking people, you do it gradually. And that is what has happened here. We have become used to seeing and hearing foul language on TV, in public, via the internet, even in pop songs, to the point now where we are somewhat immune to it. It's become such a part of our everyday lives that to make a fuss, or even a slight protest against it, makes you the villain of the piece, or in some ways "odd" for pointing it out.


To the OP I say that I am totally with you on this. I think it is wrong and immoral to have foul language on public display like this. But it's not a problem of the Design Store or whatever it's called (No, I've never been in it), it's a problem of society.


We've become conditioned to think it's ok to accept this because it's all around us.


And guess which country imported it?


Er.... my guess is Nauru?

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