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Events at Niche on 27th November.

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Close it

POLICE and council bosses today asked Sheffield magistrates to close down a city nightclub under tough legislation designed to shut down drug dens.


A temporary closure notice detailing their intention to apply for Niche nightclub to be closed under "crackhouse" legislation for three months was served on the management of the Sidney Street venue yesterday afternoon.

The notice closed the club temporarily pending today's court hearing under anti-social behaviour legislation designed to shut down crack dens.

The hearing was adjourned until December 12 - and the court heard the club must remain closed to the public until then.

Only the three club directors - Steven Baxendale, Brian Kay and Christopher Bailey - will be allowed to enter the building, along with the resident caretaker and one workman who can enter under the supervision of police to repair two doors damaged in the raid.

If next month's hearing is successful the venue will not be able to trade as a club for three months.

Before today's hearing Brian Kay, managing director of Established World Ltd which part-owns the club, denied the premises was used for drug dealing.

He said they intended to deny the allegations "profusely". He added: "We have received no documentation to support the allegations which the police are making.

"We will be looking to strike this application out on the grounds that it has been blown out of all proportion - none of the allegations are true."

The closure notice was issued after more than 300 officers - some of them armed - raided the club in the early hours of Sunday.

The street was cordoned off with a ring of officers to prevent anyone trying to escape and the force helicopter was used to monitor developments from the air.

So many officers were used in the raid buses were laid on to transport them to the venue.

They erected airport-style scanners supplied by the Home Office to search revellers for drugs and firearms, even checking clubbers' shoes.

Police sniffer dogs were also used in the operation.

Officers recovered a variety of substances which have been sent away for analysis.

Twelve people were arrested on suspicion of offences, including possession of Class A drugs.

Three were men from Manchester, two were men from Leeds and six men and a woman were from Sheffield. All but two, who were wanted by police working on other cases, were released on police bail pending further inquiries. One of the men was taken to Manchester where he was wanted on warrant by police and has subsequently appeared in court. The second man appeared at Sheffield Magistrates Court on Monday where he was sentenced to 40 hours community service for assault.

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Originally posted by kirky

oh well if they close it no doubt 2 or 3 illeagal places will spring up here there n everywhere


More than likely. In fact I hope there is places like that if Niche shuts down.

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Originally posted by squidge00

I cant believe that after all that effort, only two people were charged!:confused:


its always the same.........so much violent crime going off these days and 300 old bill raid niche and two people get done.


bet the bloke that got 40 hours cso is gutted


:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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Originally posted by NMD1

The operation undertaken by the police must have cost thousands of tax payers £'s. As I remember it costs approx £20,000 for an armed response unit, so god knows how much 300 officers cost. Im glad I no longer live in South Yorkshire and have paid for what appears to have been a pretty large scale waste of time. I would Imagine of the meager 12 people arrested several of them will be people who have complained about being held outside the club in freezing weather conditions for a ridiculous period of time.


However it is nice to know that SYP do have the resources available to undertake large scale operations, all they need now is a bit of direction.


Too right mate!


It seems all such bars that play "urban" music are being shut down in favour of posh s****y wine bars!


At the end of the day if the police succeed in closing Niche down all its clubbers have to go somewhere!


The two counts of trouble that happened which has been reported in the paper ar like 6-7 years apart!!!! Whereas you get your footy hooligans smashing pubs up week in week out costing police time and money no end and no one bats an eye lid!


As soon as someone farts in niche its national news!


I have been to niche for many years and will continue to do so for many years to come provided it stays open and i am not a chav and nor will i ever be a drug dealer/user!


Its just a witch hunt against the club and the clientel that visit the venue.


To Nev, Chris etc you have my support and i have contacted the paper, just let me know if you need anything else.

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