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Should we impose a 10mph speed limit near the university or student areas?

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Walking past the university on Monday lunchtime, I noticed that quite a few of the students seem to have no awareness of the world around them. Several times I had to dodge out of their way.


I know exactly what you mean. It is as if they exist on a different plane in a different dimension and are not aware of your existence. :(

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I drive up Crookes Valley Road a lot. I see lots of students. Most of them appear quite pleasant. Never a problem until today when one was sauntering across the road just after I had navigated the notorious Brook roundabout. Thought she had a disability but her lack of progress seemed to be due to a phone that she was poking.

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I drive up Crookes Valley Road a lot. I see lots of students. Most of them appear quite pleasant. Never a problem until today when one was sauntering across the road just after I had navigated the notorious Brook roundabout. Thought she had a disability but her lack of progress seemed to be due to a phone that she was poking.


Poking a phone?

The mind boggles!


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why should we have to suffer a 10mph speed limit because some people are too thick to use a pavement......?


I completely agree!


NO we should not be imposing 10mph speed limits, it's already ridiculous that more and more 20mph speed limit zones are being setup left, right and centre. The problem is not with the motorist, so why punish them? While we're at it, let's hope the Government increases the motorway speed to 80mph. Common sense shall prevail hopefully :rant:

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I quite like the idea of flyers to EDUCATE how to cross the road. At school it was all about stop, look left, look right, make sure it's clear and cross only when clear!!

Earlier this week some gormless student jumped right in front of me with their head down!! Didn't acknowledge that they were on the road!

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I drive up Crookes Valley Road a lot. I see lots of students. Most of them appear quite pleasant. Never a problem until today when one was sauntering across the road just after I had navigated the notorious Brook roundabout. Thought she had a disability but her lack of progress seemed to be due to a phone that she was poking.

thats a killer on the moutain bike!!. the only way to get across is to take a deep breath look for half a chance to pull out, then pray the speeding car feels like taking his or her foot off the gas pedal for a milisecond to let you get across. and get to live another day:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Too many students have earphones on listening to music (if you can call some of the modern stuff music!!) and looking at mobile phone/ipod/ipad etc and thus as they are cocooned in their own little world they have no concept of danger or awareness of their surroundings without mummy to nursemaid them

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This years influx of students are truely bizarre, I have never seen anything like it, only yesterday we drove through walkley and we saw


  • One student walking in the edge of the road (not on pavement) forcing a large lorry to brake

(now bear in mind the student saw the lorry coming and made no attempt to get back onto the pavement, she carried on walking in the edge of the road.


  • We were forced to brake sharply as a student suddenly walked into the road ( I was driving at 20mph)

(had I been travelling at 30mph, I would have hit the student.)


Some other people have commented about this years influx of students and how they appear to wander into te road without warning, and how they give you a "what do you think you are doin?" kind of look when you are forced to brake sharply.


Is this the first generation that have been wrapped up in cotton wool (ie, the ones who could not play conkers as school, or the trees were chopped down in case the schoolkids climbed up them), they appear to be totally unaware of danger.


I can imagine there will be some casualtys this year from the students, or will we need to impose a 10mph speed limit on the roads?


just get rid of the students, problem and litter solved

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