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Yes! Lib Dem calls to ban page 3

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You're cute. :hihi::D

Shocking with your illogical deduction, but I can sense a bit of sincerity in what you are writing. No, I am not that sensitive. I just have standards of behaviour in general. I mean, yeh, we can argue about this all day, but to me, I was just merely bringing up this topic up, as it was one that is considered as today's currents affair.


I do not have to justify myself or my life here as such, but no, I do not think that I have a hang up somehow. If you read what I wrote. I did not say that it causes rape, but I said very honestly actually, that it caused me to think "rape" in my mind, when that had happened. Cos it was so out of the blue, and it was also as you say, unwanted attention too. The kind of disgusted feeling that I encountered from that wolf whistling, is also the same that you encountered in the salsa place. It is in an intimidation. However, saying that, there is indeed a social decency line, which should not be lifted, or challenged to go higher and higher. Does that make sense to you ?


I am not here to say, "this is my decency line". I wrote this thread, because I know that I am also a part of a group from the general public that, "disagree with the decency line" being pushed further and further towards oversexualising a nation in general.


no you said creates rape!


I did not deduce anything, I asked you something. To me underwear adverts are far darker and sexier than page 3.


My main issue is that page 3 is silly titillation there are far more serious issues around than joke porn! For example the way loose women treat the young men on their show!


One of the reasons I think you have a hang up is that you said all naked pictures are porn, would you like to back track a bit or do you really think that?

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Judging from a few comments on here, it would seem that there is a conflation between sexual liberation and the sexual empowerment of women and the way in which a hypersexualised culture shapes attitudes towards women as well as reinforcing misogyny. I really do wish that people could separate the two. Believe you me, there is nothing empowering about sitting on a bus, tube, cafe or anywhere for that matter and seeing a page 3 display. It sends out a message about women.


Nudity and sexuality are all about context.

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Judging from a few comments on here, it would seem that there is a conflation between sexual liberation and the sexual empowerment of women and the way in which a hypersexualised culture shapes attitudes towards women as well as reinforcing misogyny. I really do wish that people could separate the two. Believe you me, there is nothing empowering about sitting on a bus, tube, cafe or anywhere for that matter and seeing a page 3 display. It sends out a message about women.


Nudity and sexuality are all about context.


Spoken like a true ugly bird:hihi:

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Some people are way over sensitive, it's a just a noise!


Swearing, verbal abuse... all could be classed as 'just noise'. Doesn't make it right though.


If someone is subject to unwanted behaviour, they are within their rights to make of it what they will, without their actions being played down by others.


Anyhow, this is going off subject. Maybe another thread topic, maybe.

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Well, gosh, I sure as heck is regretting in admitting this online now. Yes, that happened when I was very young, and it scared the hell out of me. Even now though, I do not want people wolf whistling to me. I do not like it. I ignore them, and I walk on. I do not have to accept it and let it normalise me and change me as a person either. Maybe I am really old school and want people to stand up to me and talk to me in person and not use intimidating primitive way to get my attention. :rolleyes:


What do I think of Work of Arts of naked people? I think that it is sensual. Beautiful. I also think that some of the dances which repulsed llmatron here was flirting between two people. It is also social too. Yes, some people over-do it, and forget that they are in a public place, and in fact, we laughed at that the other night, when two drugged up people (non-dancers) were really going for it on the dancefloor. For Godsakes.


I mean, as a woman, surely you got to admit that there is a line between what is accepted as sensual, and what is accepted as indecent, right ?


I think there are men who also support this idea too. Boy, am I regretting starting this thread. :help:


you do not seem to have read the post where I corrected you on this. It was nothing to do with the dances it was the sleaziness of the men there, the way they looked at me (note not whilst dancing)! A lot of my friends feel the same about salsa men (generalisation there I know:))

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Well, gosh, I sure as heck is regretting in admitting this online now. Yes, that happened when I was very young, and it scared the hell out of me. Even now though, I do not want people wolf whistling to me. I do not like it. I ignore them, and I walk on. I do not have to accept it and let it normalise me and change me as a person either. Maybe I am really old school and want people to stand up to me and talk to me in person and not use intimidating primitive way to get my attention. :rolleyes:


What do I think of Work of Arts of naked people? I think that it is sensual. Beautiful. I also think that some of the dances which repulsed llmatron here was flirting between two people. It is also social too. Yes, some people over-do it, and forget that they are in a public place, and in fact, we laughed at that the other night, when two drugged up people (non-dancers) were really going for it on the dancefloor. For Godsakes.


I mean, as a woman, surely you got to admit that there is a line between what is accepted as sensual, and what is accepted as indecent, right ?

I think there are men who also support this idea too. Boy, am I regretting starting this thread. :help:


Of course. But this is a newspaper for adults who have a choice whether or not they wish to buy it. It's just someone's breasts.

Do you think men should be seen without a top? Some woman see this as sensual. Pictures of the likes of JLS etc with their rippling abs are constantly shown in mags aimed at young girls.

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Judging from a few comments on here, it would seem that there is a conflation between sexual liberation and the sexual empowerment of women and the way in which a hypersexualised culture shapes attitudes towards women as well as reinforcing misogyny. I really do wish that people could separate the two. Believe you me, there is nothing empowering about sitting on a bus, tube, cafe or anywhere for that matter and seeing a page 3 display. It sends out a message about women.


Nudity and sexuality are all about context.

You made good points.


You know what, I bet when my mother gave birth to me, she never in hell would have thought that I needed to know all this, in order to be and remain a woman to-day. :hihi: Sigh. This is bloomin tough.


To be honest, I was not a part of the supposed "sexual liberation" at all. I also do not need to know from others by social endorsement, or by coercion to know where my moral line is, and how ethical and unethical some actions are, and how I needed a new word to define what is going on, and create a new form of social topic altogether in a way to classify one as "mature". I thought that sexual liberation happens for a woman round in her teens to mid 20s, and then she tones down her action and flirting and so forth when she has found a mate. Maybe that is a tad primitive in my eyes, but I am old school in mind too.


As much as one has a beautiful body, I did not think that I have to rub it into other people's faces in order to validate myself. :roll:

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You made good points.


You know what, I bet when my mother gave birth to me, she never in hell would have thought that I needed to know all this, in order to be and remain a woman to-day. :hihi: Sigh. This is bloomin tough.


To be honest, I was not a part of the supposed "sexual liberation" at all. I also do not need to know from others by social endorsement, or by coercion to know where my moral line is, and how ethical and unethical some actions are, and how I needed a new word to define what is going on, and create a new form of social topic altogether in a way to classify one as "mature". I thought that sexual liberation happens for a woman round in her teens to mid 20s, and then she tones down her action and flirting and so forth when she has found a mate. Maybe that is a tad primitive in my eyes, but I am old school in mind too.


As much as one has a beautiful body, I did not think that I have to rub it into other people's faces in order to validate myself. :roll:


But why do you have the right to judge someone else for showing off their beautiful body. Also you don't have to look at it, so it isn't rubbing it in anyones face is it!

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