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Car Insurance..Does it ever get better?

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I found out today that my insurance brokers have charged me £200 more than it would have cost me to go direct using a phone line. When I rang them to voice my disappointment, I was effectively told that I agreed to it so I have no comeback. I expect better service than that from the brokers who have had my business for many years.


Now I have to pay £67 to cancel the policy but I will still save £130. Moral of this story? Don't assume that your nice friendly High Srteet brokers won't fleece you given half a chance. Shop around.


Now it seems, I was quoted on my previous address two miles away despite giving my current address of the last three years. The difference, £220! Good job I didn't cancel.

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Now it seems, I was quoted on my previous address two miles away despite giving my current address of the last three years. The difference, £220! Good job I didn't cancel.


So you have accepted a quote based on you living in an area where you dont???? Sorry little confused. If thats the case isn't that fraud??

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It gets better if you shop around, My insurance renewal was up by £300 when it came through, managed to get it for less that the previous year, so over £300 saved on the renewal price.


Never accept the renewal price is my tip!

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There are loads of this type of thread but they mean very little because no two policies are the same.


Fully comp

Third party

Protected bonus

No claims

Penalty points

Named drivers





The only thing that we are guaranteed is that you only find out how good your insurance is when you come to claim.

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The only insurance you legally need is Road Trafiic Act insurance....have you tried to get a price for that..fire and theft and comprehensive are just for your own benefit..


Stupid though it may be but sometimes 3rd party insurance is more expensive than comprehensive :huh:

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So you have accepted a quote based on you living in an area where you dont???? Sorry little confused. If thats the case isn't that fraud??


I gave my current address. I was quoted and I rang today to confirm. They couldn't confirm because of my address and we established the problem. I must have had some insurance with them previously.


I could have cancelled my current policy based on that quote, rung to insure and got a right shock.

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