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Dear Forum.. Been made redundant as new people taken on..

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No I don't think they misread.

I think what they are trying to say is, if you had been amazing at your job, the company would have wanted to keep hold of you so would have considered you for one of the new positions



Couldn't be more true, Katie!


But, again with so many mentions about 'illegality'. It really is a load of tosh. The world is all about protection these days, and if you fail to uphold the Law, even if someone isn't doing their job or fitting in properly, you can just sue them. Sigh


Sure, companies take advantage a great deal, but if it wasn't working out for you (and in this case it clearly wasn't), isn't it better to take a healthy dose of reality and move on?


Nothing's served by taking matters further. Who'd want to stay in a job they'd fought to keep, knowing they weren't wanted? That, to me, even in this hideous recession, is just a hideous notion.


In summary: Companies do NOT get rid of excellent staff (unless they have no choice). It simply doesn't happen.

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In't it illegal to make people redundant and replace them with staff on lower wages/less generous conditions?


He has been in the company for less then a year, why would he get more money then newcomers? Your manager didnt think you was suitable for the post, just deal with it and found a new job and stop wasting tax payers money trying to sue, you havnt been there long enough to make it worth while

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He has been in the company for less then a year, why would he get more money then newcomers? Your manager didnt think you was suitable for the post, just deal with it and found a new job and stop wasting tax payers money trying to sue, you havnt been there long enough to make it worth while


You can take someone to an employment tribunal after a week if you want. If it wasn't working he should have been let go. It's really irrelevant if he was good at his job and diligent or he rolled up at 10 and did sod all for the rest of the day, there are procedures that all companies from asda to the smallest corner shop have to do. Redundancy and getting the sack are two massively different things. If this company was worth it's salt it should know all this rather than making this colossal pigs ear of it.


As a said, ring acas. You'll get a slightly bias view (in favour of the employee) but you'll get an idea.

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You can take someone to an employment tribunal after a week if you want. If it wasn't working he should have been let go. It's really irrelevant if he was good at his job and diligent or he rolled up at 10 and did sod all for the rest of the day, there are procedures that all companies from asda to the smallest corner shop have to do. Redundancy and getting the sack are two massively different things. If this company was worth it's salt it should know all this rather than making this colossal pigs ear of it.


As a said, ring acas. You'll get a slightly bias view (in favour of the employee) but you'll get an idea.


This is all true, but he DID get let go... well, his job did!


You're right, though. While they seem reasonable, it was a rather rubbish way to get rid of someone.

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This is all true, but he DID get let go... well, his job did!


You're right, though. While they seem reasonable, it was a rather rubbish way to get rid of someone.


He says he was made redundant, not sacked for being rubbish at his job. If the firm concerned have said he's been made redundant and taken on two people to cover his job, they are, on the face of it, in the wrong.

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Dear Forum


Go to an advice service and get some advice. I wouldn't waste time posting on here. Don't phone the advice service. Find out the opening times and go in person. Companies make mistakes, big mistakes. Some people on here think they don't but recently there has been in the news something called the phone-hacking scandal which should be enough to tell you that some people who run companies are total dimwits. So go in person to that advice service pronto.


I once got made redundant while I knew the company was actively recruiting for another job I could have done. I just didn't want to work there anymore so let it go.

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Dear Forum


Go to an advice service and get some advice. I wouldn't waste time posting on here.


Don't listen to this patronising dumbwit. This is just for fun.


It goes without saying that you should always (if you feel strongly enough) get professional advice.


And you should never take the opinions here too seriously :)

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Couldn't be more true, Katie!


But, again with so many mentions about 'illegality'. It really is a load of tosh. The world is all about protection these days, and if you fail to uphold the Law, even if someone isn't doing their job or fitting in properly, you can just sue them. Sigh

Sure, companies take advantage a great deal, but if it wasn't working out for you (and in this case it clearly wasn't), isn't it better to take a healthy dose of reality and move on?


Nothing's served by taking matters further. Who'd want to stay in a job they'd fought to keep, knowing they weren't wanted? That, to me, even in this hideous recession, is just a hideous notion.


In summary: Companies do NOT get rid of excellent staff (unless they have no choice). It simply doesn't happen.


Surely a world with protection to uphold people's rights is neccesary no? Otherwise people (companies) would just take the p*ss, treat workers how they want, sack them on a whim when they have rent/mortgages, bills and families to support...is that really a world you would rather live in?


These fair trading and working laws have been fought for over the decades to get where we are today for this very reason..


Whilst I agree that companies do not get rid of good staff if they have the choice, there is a correct LEGAL procedure to follow which protects the rights of the worker as well. It is not the company's God given right to enter an economy, create jobs and then do as they damn well please.


I know if this had happened to me, I would fight my case as a matter of principle, and then it would up to me if I choose to move on...If I had not been given any incline that my work was not up to scratch or I was not the best person for the job, then I am right to assume that my work is good enough and acceptable unless told otherwise and at least be given a chance to improve.


As far as I know, if you have been made redundant and then someone else gets put in that same position with the same responsibilities, on the same level and on the same or higher wage then that is illegal, as the whole point of being made redundant is that your job position is no longer needed or require ie it doesn't exist, so they then can't put someone else into a position that theoretically shouldn't exist or be required...


I'd look into it further...good luck.

Edited by peewee84
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