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How did your other half propose?

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My Oh had been away on a lads weekend, we were in bed and he said "he'd been thinking while he was away, that he doesnt want to be without me, and that he wants to be with me for the rest of his life and would I think about marrying him?"


Of course I said yes :love:


P.s we were together 6yrs before we married, and on 5th Aug we celebrated 11 yrs of marriage :D

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We were on holiday in Lisbon last month. We had bookmarked a very very posh place to go for dinner one evening as a treat, and he insisted we went as soon as possible.


As I didn't know what was going to happen I decided it would be nice to have the 7 course taster menu, really push the boat out! (its traditional apparently to propose with dessert, hence the long nervous wait for him).


The second dessert came, the waiter was holding them really high above his head, and said to me 'Madam....look at the moon out there' and pointed so I looked away. When I looked back down there was a ring box on my plate and my OH on one knee!


In hindsight it all made sense, his hands were stuffed in his pockets on the way there, he went back to the room for his 'sunglasses', he downed an expensive wine just before...

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  • 4 months later...

27/03/2011. My OH worked in a pub as a DJ. They did a pub quiz that consisted of 10 questions. When the 10th question was being called out his friend came and asked me to stand with him on the dance floor. My OH suddenly appeared and said ' I have an eleventh question, there is only 1 right answer to this question, does any one have any idea what it is?' His daughter and a close friend both raised their hand and began giggling. Over the mic it was a simple 'would you marry me'. It was extremely public, but so romantic. Can't wait to marry him on 06/05/2012.

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He took me back to the spot where we first kissed 8 years ago when we were 15 and got down on one knee with the most amazing princess cut solitare diamond and platinum ring (I choose it because he knew how particular I was about what I wanted - after 8 years it had been on the cards for a while!) but I didn't know when or how he'd propose and it was PERFECT! :D

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My husband had been working away for 4 weeks, he was in Leeds for the day and said he was too busy to get home to visit. I was devastated.


He called me up at 7pm to speak to the kids, as usual. After speaking to them both, we chatted for a few minutes then he said "Are you going to open the door or what?"


I said "What??" and he said "Open the front door"


I did and he was on one knee with an engagement ring in his hand!!!


I was absolutely gobsmacked and of course said yes!!! :D

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He had gone out, got stupid drunk and was pestering me to make him a bacon sandwich... I got the "gob on" and started ranting at him, then he kept slurring in my face about getting married... My pet hate? Drunk people slurring at me! I told him to come back when he was sober and ask properly! :hihi: and he did... He bought me a new ornament (I'd been asking for it for ages!) and it had a ring inside it that I'd also been asking for! He never got down on one knee or anything but we never been a couple for romance. I wouldn't want it any other way though to be honest, I love him regardless of it as he saved me from a very violent vicious situation :) just hope we have many more years of happy times ahead of us.

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We'd both always wanted to go to Paris, so in May 2010 we went for a few days. I loved it, Paris is beautiful and just so cool. We stayed in a really cute little bright airy apartment up some narrow winding stairs in the Marais area. On about the third day, we got up extra early and went up to Montmartre to take photos around Sacre Coeur. We are both keen photographers so getting up at dawn to get the best atmosphere, lighting etc is something we like to do on holiday.


So were were on the the terrace outside Sacre Coeur, overlooking the Paris skyline. At that hour, all the bin-men and street cleaners were out and I was just thinking how they spoilt the atmosphere, when he knelt down, and started rummaging in his bag. I thought he was changing camera lenses, when he said, "Help me out here", and reached for my hand, but then he said "Will you be my wife?" ... "YES YES YES!" was my answer!


I had really hoped he would propose in Paris, in fact I would have been really p'd off if he had not asked me at some point while in the city of romance! We'd been together three years and been talking about "forever" a lot, having just bought a house, so it was on the cards. It turned out he'd been planning it for ages. So I'd been waiting... The weather was beautiful, he had all these golden opportunities like the early morning walks along the Seine, with nobody but us standing on the bridges. By day 3, I thought he wasn't going to ask me anymore!


He later told me he'd been carrying the ring around all holiday waiting for the right moment, then decided just to go for it!


Been married nearly 5 months and very happy!

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my oh proposed to me on my birthday on 25-12-08 he hide the ring in a hand made christmas cracker he made and i opened it in the kitchen on the chair and when i opened the box with the ring in it i looked at him and he was still stood up and said to me will you marry me i thought men was suppose to go down on one knee well my oh didnt lol we got wed on the 15th augest 2009 and we will have been marriad 3 yrs this year which as gone quick and we have 2 beautiful girls

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  • 3 weeks later...

We were away for a weekend in a posh hotel in Harrogate. It was the after show party, the "turn" had jus gone on a break, and Gavin "went to the loo" 2 minutes later, I hear his voice over the Mic ask me to come to the stage (I had my back to it, talking :hihi:)


I went over and he got down on one knee infront of a room of 60 of my friends who proceeded to scream so loud they almost deafened me.


I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or punch him in the gob for embarrasing me :blush:

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  • 3 months later...

My boyfriend proposed whilst we were in Canada on 24th April 2012.


We were on the Maid of the Mist boat, just getting to the bottom of Niagara Falls.


I was just in my own world, taking photos when we he called my name, crouched down a bit and said those four little words, "Will you marry me?"


I didn’t say anything for a minute, and he said say something. It took a while to sink in, and I said YES.


We were soaking wet, freezing cold, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Afterwards I had a fit of giggles. Most people cry, but I laughed :hihi:

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