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Everything posted by tabitha

  1. Ive just written about Park Hill - what do you think? http://prettylittlepeculiar.wordpress.com/2012/09/13/park-hill-sheffield/
  2. Hi Patricia Its an informal networking group - we chat about different blogging platforms, seo, advertising, marketing and loads more. If you have any other questions feel free to email or pm me.
  3. On my blog personal photographs are minimal, I blog about products, places and websites from around the world that are of interest. You are being personally insulting but Im a big girl and can deal with differing opinions. Im really very happy with the amount of traffic my blog gets so perhaps worry less about who is reading it and step away if you dislike it so much!
  4. As I said I don't force anyone to read my blog. As it happens I have a high readership of complete strangers who seem to enjoy my egotistical, self important rantings. Each to their own though, if it's not for you, then don't read it! Simple really. The internet is a big place and there's room for everyone. I love what I do and want to network with other bloggers from my local area so have set up a group for it. Ill not save you a seat then eh? Peace and Love...
  5. Bloggers enter into debate all the time, the vast majority of blog post allow (and encourage) comments from readers. I think calling a whole group of people "self-important egotists" is quite ridiculous. I do not harm anyone in my writing, I do not force anyone to read it. Its a choice, the same way as it is a choice to buy a magazine or newspaper and read other people's opinions.
  6. Ricky you have written over a thousand comments on Sheffield forum, what is the difference between that and a "pub bore ranting on and on about their personal opinion"
  7. That's a pretty amazing and fairly offensive generalisation there!
  8. Blimey! Can I ask, how do you think commenting on a public forum with your opinion is different to writing your opinion on a blog?
  9. The first meeting was small but great! The second meeting will be August 14th at 7pm at the Great Gatsby. http://prettylittlepeculiar.wordpress.com/2012/07/06/sheffield-bloggers-meet-up-the-first-un-and-about-the-next-un/ Everyone welcome
  10. Im thinking of starting up a Sheffield bloggers group to meet once a month for advice, support, coffee and cake... http://prettylittlepeculiar.wordpress.com/2012/06/16/sheffield-bloggers-meet-up/ Interested?
  11. Your blog works so much better, but there is no consistency between the two sites. A photographers website should be full of photographs. Your website is quite wordy and the gallery doesn't open any photographs, you have to go into the sub categories. I went on a workshop recently where they said 1 in 4 people will leave a site that doesn't load in 4 seconds on a computer or within 10 seconds on a mobile device. Thats something you need to think about. I agree with the comments about being more selective. People will judge you based on what is on your website. If its not amazing, leave it out. Good luck!
  12. Heres some shots from our shoot with the elderly folk at a home in SHeffield. What do you think?? http://www.timmcleasby.co.uk/portraits-at-twelve-trees-residential-home-for-the-elderly-in-sheffield/ Its the first shoot where I have chosen only black and white images, but thought they really added to the character and emotion of the photographs, would love to get others opinions
  13. What about the groomsmen all wearing their own suits but tying them in with the same coloured tie? x
  14. Beechenhill Farm is stunning, we have shot one wedding there and got another booked in this year. Whirlowbrook Hall is lovely too. Good luck! x
  15. My friend's son goes to this and loves it. Not only has it given him skills and fun but has built his confidence no end!
  16. You should have a breast feeding support worker - contact your HV or GP and someone can come out to your home to see you and offer support, or there are lots of groups run at children's centres. Breast feeding should not be that painful, its all about getting a good position and latch. Please don't suffer in pain, contact your midwife, health visitor or GP as soon as possible and get some support and advice. Best of luck xx
  17. I always go to S25 in Dinnington, amazing artist and really friendly
  18. Oops just realised that Im recommending sophiec1979!! Hahaha, well at least you know she is good!!!
  19. I got a gorgeous fascinator from this woman... https://www.facebook.com/ImogensImaginationUK?sk=wall All hand made and stunning! Good luck x
  20. We are renewing our vows and Im loving using Pinterest to pull together ideas and inspiration. Is anyone else using it? I love looking through other brides pinterest boards for more inspiration. Have a look at mine here... http://pinterest.com/tjcphotographer/our-wedding-renewal-inspiration-board/ Hope this helps xx
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