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Violent riots and looting in UK (part 2)

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You can't blame the cuts either - they haven't been implemented yet.


Some have, but it's about to get much much worse.


On a different subject, I heard on the radio this morning that some people are calling for their benefits to be cuts and their council homes taken off them etc. Well, there's nothing like stereotyping people is there? Besides, taking such actions may and only slightly may deter future rioting but I can't see it havving any affect to be honest. If anything it would just make the situation worse and would encourage such people to break the law even further. People really should think things through before opening their mouths.

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But didn't those bankers take those dodgy loans and package them up into packages of saleable debt marked as AAA and then fraudulently sell and buy them between each other to hide the true value (or lack of), to deliberately defraud us all?


It may be very elaborate but its still theft in my book.


I wonder how many people lost their jobs and livelihoods in the economic turmoil created by the banks' gambling? If people are scum for torching someone's business (and they are), then people are scum for recklessly gambling someone else's business away. There is a huge difference in how the two are treated though - the rioter will get done for arson and do quite a stretch inside, the banker will continue to be rewarded with huge bonuses having been bailed out by the taxpayer.


Mindless looting and arson isn't defensible, but the way the bankers have got away scot free with their economic vandalism is hardly encouraging a society where personal responsibility is considered a virtue.

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The range of people finding their way into court suggests they are not the stereotypes some people were expecting.


I also suspect that things have moved on yet again. From the (peaceful) supporters of the man who was shot by police to the 'mindless' yobs looting, now vigilante groups 'protecting their area' have clashed with police and attacked them, some shouting EDL slogans which suggests the racist element are out on the streets, and the firing of a police station and other attacks on more political targets sounds like the politicoes are taking a stand.


Not that you'd know it from the media coverage, the media are only interested in the looters as they are far easier to dismiss.

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On a different subject, I heard on the radio this morning that some people are calling for their benefits to be cuts and their council homes taken off them etc. Well, there's nothing like stereotyping people is there? Besides, taking such actions may and only slightly may deter future rioting but I can't see it havving any affect to be honest. If anything it would just make the situation worse and would encourage such people to break the law even further. People really should think things through before opening their mouths.


That's one take on all this. However, there has to be some kind of sanction for this criminal behaviour. A decent person knows that having a criminal record will exclude you from ever getting a job in sectors such as local government, universities, hospitals etc. It will also prevent you ever travelling to America.


This would bother me. The rioters? Nope. Similarly an ASBO, tag etc. is merely a mark of 'respect' (surely the most mis-used word in the language) to these people.


Taking their £65+ per week 'top-up' of benefits they use to add to their criminal lifestyles would be a start.


Would it stop them rioting? Thieving? No, but they're doing this anyway. If nothing else, it would mean our taxes weren't subsidising this scum.


And I don't think the BBC can escape criticism over this. For most of this year, they've been lauding the 'Arab Spring' - practically encouraging uprising if you don't like your lot. These fluffy-bunny 'protesters' that the BBC portrayed are basically the same kind of feral scum we've witnessed on our streets these last few days. But with AK-47s.


They keep giving inordinate airtime to such ludicrous figures such as rent-a-quote Livingstone, rent-a-gob Abbott and the truly vile Harperson who perpetuate the problem by hijacking the debate to score petty political points.

Edited by grafikhaus74
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To all those who use there riots as reason for mindless vandalism and selfish looting/stealing, to all those who use there riots to start racial hatred, what good does it do for us all as a country and as a nation..? This is England we are proud to be English/british/mixed race... you are damaging Our Proud identity. Identity is tied to the cultures that a person is raised in... This is our Land our island our home... We are better than this.

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And I don't think the BBC can escape criticism over this. For most of this year, they've been lauding the 'Arab Spring' - practically encouraging uprising if you don't like your lot. These fluffy-bunny 'protesters' that the BBC portrayed are basically the same kind of feral scum we've witnessed on our streets these last few days. But with AK-47s.




The uprisings in those countries are people fighting for the right to live in a democracy. These are countries with dictatorships, where political parties are banned, and where the police kill anyone who disagrees with the govermment.

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I used to work as a Learning Support Assistant, and from my experience, parents are actually scared of their own kids. So they just let them run riot and find it too hard to control them or set any boundaries. I don't really know what the answer is though.

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I swaer to god if I hear one more do-gooder blame the Tory government for the riots and suggest they go on a "social development" course I'm gonna snap!


someone has just said on Radio Sheffield "we cannot just label this kids as criminals" ... its the stupidest thing i've ever heard. there are do many do-gooders in this country. the guy also suggested these kids go on a 'social development course'


yeah that'll work :loopy:


These kids got involved because they knew there was little chance of being caught and even if they were, there would only be a small punishment, as with most crimes, they were opportunists and they had nothing better to do with their poxy little lives


BIrch the lot of 'em

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