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Good quality houseplants in Sheffield?

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I'd like to buy a couple of houseplants. The nurseries/garden centres I've been to don't tend to have much stock. I know there's the supermarkets and B&Q/Homebase, but again, it's often not very inspiring.


Does anyone know somewhere which sells an interesting range of good quality houseplants?

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  • 8 months later...

Hi there moopind,


I was wondering whether you found some plants in the end? I am in a similar situation and I am wondering 1) which house plants can cope with a lot of direct sunshine and 2) where to get them.

I am not keen on B&Q and other DIY stores as their plants are often pumped up with lots of nutrients to look good in the shop and start drooping soon afterwards.


Any suggestions anybody?

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I am really loving my Hibiscus at the moment, especially Hibiscus rosa-sinensis... Most decent garden centres will stock them... Yes, I would also definitely stay away from B&Q and Bigger DIY stores... Most of their stock will be Dutch... They are grown in heated glass houses and forced to look good for a quick sale... They often spend a couple of days in darkness in a temperature controlled wagon.. Its the change in climate that knocks them back when you get them home... Try to buy stock which is grown by local growers.. Not only are you supporting local growers and the local economy, but your plant will be more accustomed to your climate and you should have a much greater chance of success.

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Hi there sskirrrow,

can you recommend some good garden centres in / near S6 area? I have been to two on Loxley Road and was surprised/disappointed to find that they didn't stock many indoor plants at all. I agree with you on buying locally grown but find it difficult to find local indoor plant growers


I think I like Hibiscus (and would dearly like to see a choice of them) but I feel strangely reluctant to have flowering plants indoor, maybe because I have allergies to some pollens.

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I can provide you with a few bits and pieces to get started. Nothing exciting but spider plants, geranium, mother in laws tongue, aloe, that sort of thing if you would like.


I would like a couple of peace lilies if anyone can advise the best place to get them?


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I was looking for some last year. I went to a number of garden centres in sheffield - most of which sold very little :(


I did come across a few online shops though (from memory house of plants), but I never bought anything from them. I plan to though - when I actually leave in a house in which plants survive!

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