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Why are most indigenous Brits so darn lazy?

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That's asylum seekers not Polish workers, asylum seekers are not allowed to work but the money has to come from somewhere, where do you think that is? Nobody on minimum wage could afford rent/council tax. Mine works out at £100 a week and I live in a two bedroom terraced house. It takes two 'reasonable' wages to keep our heads above water

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So the Polish don't have rent and council tax to pay? And why is it fine for the Poles to work for peanuts but not the Brits?


What do you do for a living and how much do you earn?



Whatever it is I bet a I can get the job for half the price, better quality and more of it.


Let me know who you work for and I'll ring them tommorow and I'll get my man in. Don't worry you'll be able to claim benefits.

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why am i a troll?


Why dont you state your own circumstances before judging others?If you are white why are you not workshy.Is it down to your upbringing?You must not confuse a reluctance to work with an aversion to exploitation.

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What do you do for a living and how much do you earn?



Whatever it is I bet a I can get the job for half the price, better quality and more of it.


Let me know who you work for and I'll ring them tommorow and I'll get my man in. Don't worry you'll be able to claim benefits.


Call centre so no you can't, the wage is set for the hundreds who work there and I've been there seven years. I've nothing to worry about.

Edited by denlin
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The Poles I knew did indeed work very hard for relatively short stints, they were exempt from paying income tax in this country (non domicile), lived in cheap overcrowded accommodation knowing they were only here to make a quick buck not a life.


There were allsorts of other payments the rest of us have to pay like council tax, TV licence, water bills, etc,etc. I know they should pay these but those guys knew that they would not have bailiffs on their doorstep back in Krakow.

Edited by NorthernStar
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I think that the more reports that are seen saying brits won't do the jobs. the more some will believe it, I reckon most of them are not given a chance due to the bad publicity for one, and the agencies that only take foreign staff.

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I suspect most of you on this prejudice forum hate folk such as the Poles, along with all the oyther 'outsiders' but there is no denying they will work dam hard for peanuts and are willing to take up any opportunities, but the immigrants are being exploited which is another issue that needs addressing, but why is indigenous whitey becoming more and more workshy?


Most Brits I know work damn hard,the poles I work with also do,yes there is a minority don't want to work but it is a few and I have to drive em but what does me is the workshy who don't even want to get out of bed..

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Most Brits I know work damn hard,the poles I work with also do,yes there is a minority don't want to work but it is a few.


You’re right. It’s a matter of numbers. Would be interesting to see in percentages if 'foreigners' claim fewer benefits than the natives.

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