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The Future Of Sheffield

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Unfortunately this is a common story - and also a positive feedback scenario. A reasonable sized company sets up in location X providing the only recruitment oportunities for people with a particular set of qualifications who have to move to location X to get a job. Then as similar comapnies spring up they get the idea that the people with the qualifications they want are in location X (rather than being forced their our of necessity!). Similar companies start and locate to X as "thats where the staff are" etc. etc. Unfortunately location X is 99 times out of 100 in the South East - and then people complain about over-population and lack of facilities!

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If steel is finished then I'm a little concerned. I live in Deepcar and we and Stocksbridge revolve around our steel industry. Last time they cut jobs the whole comunity felt it...or at least it felt that way.


Oh and Stocksbridge steel works is another of Sheffields large steel places.

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Originally posted by redrobbo

How would the city obtain the necessary research funds or grants?

What's Yorkshire Forward and O1 for if not this?


Originally posted by Tim42

Ever heard of Boeing?


Sadly it is little more than a specialist University project and a huge dollop of SCC and S1 spin.

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Originally posted by cheerleader

I wonder what will happen to our town when it finishes though. Something like 75% of people able to work in our towns work in our factory.


Were I being cynical I would say they will be sent off to retrain for new technology / I.T. jobs that don't exist...

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I went to an internal presentation at the University earlier this year... they were offering the opportunity for academic researchers to apply for grants of "up to £10,000" to fund 'proof of concept' work towards setting up spin-out companies.


I had to laugh... what will that get you??? I don't think you can rely on the univeristy to kick start any high tech industry in the area.


I think you need a critical mass of high tech companies to get things going. Perhaps if Yorkshire gets the particle accelerator they're bidding for (to be built on the Selby coalfield site) that might help...

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Originally posted by garydickson

I went to an internal presentation at the University earlier this year... they were offering the opportunity for academic researchers to apply for grants of "up to £10,000" to fund 'proof of concept' work towards setting up spin-out companies.


I had to laugh... what will that get you??? I don't think you can rely on the univeristy to kick start any high tech industry in the area.


I think you need a critical mass of high tech companies to get things going. Perhaps if Yorkshire gets the particle accelerator they're bidding for (to be built on the Selby coalfield site) that might help...


Not only do they only put up 10K (about enough for 2-3 months work for one person!) but they will then pretty much own any company that does spin out of your idea whichis unlikely to attract too many people!


The critical mass is certainly important as is one or two big names - if we had a big name or twoin the area (like Boots for Nottingham or Astra Zeneca for Manchester) that would be a draw for other companies - the thinking sems to be 'if company X has located there there must be somthing good so I'll go there too'!

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