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Did you ever live in Parson Cross?


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I had forgotten alot of those :hihi: shops but remember them well now ive seen the names.i used to go to the chippi at lunch times from colley and can remember the lads getting half a uncut loaf and taking middle out and filling it with chips can anyone else remember that?:


Next was Smiths Hardware, that is now the betting shop.


Leeches is now some sort of Citizens Advice Centre.

Remember all that!!

Went past Colley the other day, the "long corridor" was gutted by the fire, nearly brought tears to my eyes, tears of joy that is I hated that place, after leaving monteney juniors it was like been transfered to another planet. Mr Stuart made my life hell!!

But seeing him a few years back made me realise what a sad twisted man he was, & finding out he never progressed up the manegment ladder in the education system put a smile on my face, especially when he saw the house , car & 2 great kids. Had to stick the boot in & remind him that if this was what a life that would "come to nothing" was, well I aint done too bad thanks!!!!!!!!!!

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This reminded me of our one big outing in the summer holidays .

Mom would pack us 4 kids and a couple of the neighbours kids, along with a pile of potted meat sandwiches, we would go to Ecclesfield Park and paddle in the pool.

We to used to get a pot of tea made at one of the houses. You paid a deposit for the teapot and the tea was about 1 pence if you wanted extra water you paid accordingly.

When mom was really flush we would go up Riverlin

I started school aged 5 at Southey Green and my mother would walk us across the fields to Ecclesfield just before the estate was built but part of it was built in 1934-5. There was a stream we had to cross and I daudled messing about with the frog spawn and the rest of the family just carried on not realising I was missing until they got to the park in Ecclesfield. It was traditional then to go to somebodys house or pub and have your tea mashed in a jug and we would pay a penny or something.


I went to Cleethorpes a couple of years ago and couldn't believe I was in the same country with yobos throwing their chip cartons and peeing on the grass in full view of everybody,what a sorry country Britain is today.


When will the teachers cane be brought back and National service to impose,yes impose some discipline into these nutcases.

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At home we have a foto of my elder brother outside the Travellers, boarding a coach to Wembley, for the 1966 FA Cup Final. It had a large front car park in those pre dual-carriageway days


I wish I had a photo of the old stone bridge that was Wadsley Bridge, it was so narrow.


Here is a photo taken in the 1920's from the end of Clay Wheels Lane looking up Halifax Road towards the bridge. The Travellers is on the left and the station Signal Box can just be seen in the distance.



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hey you must have been posh dexter we got jam sarnis and a bottle of water.yes we spent lots of happy times in ecclesfield park and we used to play in the river behind that big wall.:) can you remember the garages just off monteney road?we used to play in them also making dens.

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yes the paddling pool was good we got jam sarnis.can anyone remember woodcocks shop bottom of yew lane?always added a penny on

I remember a little shop across from the police station on High St that sold the coloured drinks for 1/2 penny

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