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Anyone clearing out toys?

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Anyone got any toys to clear out? Jellytots has had a big cupboard clear out to get rid of anything past it's best and we've had to get rid of some so we're in dire need of kids ride on toys, dolls and other plastic items ( we don't have facilities to wash, only to wipe with antibacterial spray etc).


Donations gratefully received and we can collect in certain areas, however, if you bring things down during sessions your session fee is free.


Austerity measures are a pain, funding is sparse!

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I've def got a ride on car and a vtech walker (without the phone) you can have. Going to have a sort out later so no doubt will have more for you, i def need a toy cull!!! I don't drive unfortunately so someone will have to call for them. I'm at Wincobank!



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HI ladies,

that's fantastic, thankyou!


I shall talk to the ladies about who can collect and when, could you pm me your contact details please?


Thankyou so much :)

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Hi Zebra


I know it will take a little time but have you ever applied for funding? I run a toddler group and have always found it quite easy to get funding for toys and equipment. Pm me if I can be of any help.

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Hi, Yes we do apply for funding but we prioritise rent, insurance etc so we don't often end up with anything left.

However, I'm happy to swap and share funding ideas if we could end up with both of us doing a little better, how would that strike you?


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