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Your thoughts on tattoos and piercings!

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Originally posted by HappyHoosier



I have two tattoos --- and I love them! Never regretted it. One is on my inner left wrist and the other is on my inner right ankle. Both readily visible, if I wear a skirt.


This is more like it, but I expected more ladies on saying where their tatoos are. Was hoping to here some saucy stories. Where's sugarnspice when you need her! I have a feeling she may have one or two tatoos or piercings!:D

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I love tatoos and I'm in love with piercings. When I turn 18 I'll probably have my mom shaking her head at me cause I look like a sieve or something lol.


If you want a tatoo go for it but make sure you really want it and aren't going to regret it. Also maybe if you put it somewhere easy to hide.


Have a few piercings, not enough, lip, ears and belly button. Waiting till I'm older for my conch, snug and maybe a few more on my belly button...

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I have one on my right upper arm. Quite large.

Got it to mark mark an acheivement that meant a lot to me and the design is uniquly mine.

I pity all those people I see with "celtic" tattoos they got cos has been (is?) fashionable.

In short think carefully about what you want in design!

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My opinion is that tatoos look cheap and nasty on both men and women. There's nothing worse than when a girl bends down and you can see a tat on her lower back. I think they're slightly less distasteful on men, but only slightly!


There are only two people I can think of who look good with tatoos - Angelina Jolie and David Beckham. But they're both very beautiful individuals anyway!


But don't be put off by the opinions of others Spiderman. I might find any tatoo of yours revolting, but then again you might find my dress sense or hairstyle revolting! It takes all sorts to make a world so the only person you should please is yourself. But it's worth thinking it through carefully, because a tatoo is for life, not just for Christmas! And it may put off future employers/girlfriends ect.


As for piercings... I have only one - a stud in my tongue. Generally I find piercings pretty tacky too (especially belly buttons), but I had my tongue done years ago before it became the chav piercing of choice! Now I know it looks a little cheap, but it's very discrete because I have a very small stud, so I can't bring myself to take it out. I'm a huge wimp, especially when it comes to pain, so I guess it reminds me that I can be stong when I need to be!


Have fun at the tatoo parlour if you decide to go for it :thumbsup:

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i love tattoos they are great the pain is addictive piercings are cool to i only have my ear done but have been toying with the idea of havin my tongue done and you all know about the implant thing (still not had it done tho )




the one and only teflon

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used to have lots of piercings but the fun has gone out of it now.


Am planning on another tattoo perhaps two, have to decide exactly what I want. I have a nice pink unicorn on my should that my uncle paid for. Said if I was going to get one done he would rather make sure it were done properly and vetted the tattooists round about for miles before he settled on one.


But it's pinkish and it's a unicorn and i not sure I like it anymore. Been told it should cover quite well...i just have to endure the shoulder pain again...*ouch*




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I had two Celtic tattoos about 10 years ago, one on each upper arm. I got them not because they were fashionable, but because I wanted to celebrate my Celtic (Brythonic) roots. I chose black ink because it looks best and is the most durable colour. There has been some debate about people having ethnic tattoos which may not be culturally appropriate, so think hard if you're considering this type (the tribal Polynesian designs and Japanese/Chinese characters come to mind).


I chose to have them so they are covered by t-shirt sleeves - I'd never have any on my lower arms. Some people like them on me, others don't - their call. The point is I love them and haven't regretted it for a second.


If you want one, talk to people who have them, do your research, and try to cast yourself 10 or 20 years in the future: will you still like them? Don't automatically go for "flash" (stock designs); have a look at designing your own, or have a look in books, for example.


Don't just go to any studio - take your time and talk to people who've had work done there. When you've had them done, look after them. UV radiation will degrade them - always put plenty of sunblock on them in the summer.


Reputable tattooists have a code of practice which provides for, among other things, no names, no faces, hands or necks, no drunks. There's a newsgroup called rec.arts.bodyart that I found very useful.


Above all, take your time and research things before committing yourself. If you decide to go for it - good luck!

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