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I made someone cry with happiness

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Thank goodness that there are understanding people in the world.


The fact that the Mum had a reaction like she did does say something about todays society . i think that it was great that because of your life experience that you were able to make her feel happy, but in a way it is sad that she was so surprised by it.

Little things can make a big difference to someone.


Some years ago whilst on holiday, we were walking around the resort with the kids (they would be about 10 at the time) when I felt a tug at my arm.


Behind us was a couple with their older lad who has Downs syndrome, his Mum said to me "he is pointing at your watch" I turned to him and asked if he wanted to look at it and he showed me his watch and tried to make me understand he had just got it (his speech very impaired). So I told him "his" watch was better than mine and asked if he wanted to swap which made him laugh. I asked him if he was enjoying his holiday etc. and after chatting for a couple of mins. we moved on.


That eve. in a bar, the family turned up again, the lad came straight over to me, gave me a hug and jestured "my friend" A moment I will remember forever.

Well, since then, we have seen the family each year on holiday and every time the lad comes to sit with us for a chat, the sad thing is that the parents always shout at him to stop pestering people and to sit quietly. Our kids (now teenagers)love chatting to him, showing him things and including him in their group of mates, but despite all this his parents just seem to be overly worried he might be imposing?? Why could this be, he clearly likes being treated like any other person.

There will be people on here with experience of Downs, hopefully they will post a reply to enlighten me.

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its probably because they have never or rarely have had experiences with people taking an interest in their son for a GOOD and GENUINE reason. Most people with disabilities face judgement and ignorance every day so for someone to be nice to him probably makes the parents think there maybe another motive for this, ie people taking the mick out of him etc. I think its great that you and your family treat this guy like anyone else and like to spend time with him. I think a nice quiet word with his parents should put their mind at rest maybe even invite them to sit with you next time so that they can see what nice genuine people you actually are!:)

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