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Does anyone say Grace at meal times anymore?

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Just watched 'Come Dine with Me' and the host made everyone say Grace before they started eating.


I vaguely remember having to say it a few times when I was a child but then we stopped.


I'm not a particular religous person and was wondering if people still do this and if you went to someones house and was about to get stuck in would you think it strange if they started to say Grace or do you think it's something that would be nice to hear.

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Originally posted by dawny1

Just watched 'Come Dine with Me' and the host made everyone say Grace before they started eating.


I vaguely remember having to say it a few times when I was a child but then we stopped.


I'm not a particular religous person and was wondering if people still do this and if you went to someones house and was about to get stuck in would you think it strange if they started to say Grace or do you think it's something that would be nice to hear.


I use to at christmas with ex inlaws, but that was because they are part polish so on christmas eve would have a european christmas. Which was cool. Hmm perogis (not sure about spelling).


Can i come round christmas Kat???? All hungry now!


(that was a joke should my ex ever read this thread!!!)

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Bless us O Lord as we sit together

Bless the food we eat today

Bless the hands that made the food

Bless us O Lord



This is one of the prayers that I say before lunch with my class. I like saying it with them as it makes them calm before they go into the dining hall to wreak havoc!

I have tried to implement Grace at home but it is enough effort just to get everyone at the table unfortunately.

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I remember many (LOL) years ago at school, the head mistress would talke us through grace, before we ate.


It went something like


"Thank you for the food we eat,

Thank you for the birds that sing ,

Thank you for the (???) so sweet.

Thank you Lord, for everything. amen"


my ex fiancee's mother used to say an irreverent "grace" which she'd say after food, which went:-


"Thank you, Lord, for what we've had,

If there'd have been more, we'd have been glad!"


When we had "communal meals", the church I used to go to, would sing the "te deum" as a grace.


it went


"Praise God, from whom all blessings flow,

priase him, all creatures here below.

Praise him above, ye heavenly host,

Praise father, son, and holy ghost.



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Originally posted by FetishFairy

My mum used to say :


"For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truely thankful Amen."


Never bother now. Don't think she does either for that matter.


That's what my Aunt and Uncle used to say too. I don't bother anymore because I don't see the point in daft rituals. I do still pray but not at mealtimes; I'm too busy stuffing myself! :D


K x

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