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Dogs Off Leads In Parks - The Legal Position

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I'm not sure if they've been repealed, but Sheffield used to have by-laws that stated dogs were allowed in parks, on the proviso that they were on a lead at all times (it was even mentioned on the signs on all park entrances).

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a load of crap a dog is as nasty or dangerous as you make it no matter what breed it is i have a staffy and a pitbull mix and none are nasty or dangerous round kids cats dogs so put that in your ass and smoke it


btw pugs are minging

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a load of crap a dog is as nasty or dangerous as you make it no matter what breed it is i have a staffy and a pitbull mix and none are nasty or dangerous round kids cats dogs so put that in your ass and smoke it


btw pugs are minging


I agree about staffys, my brother has had at least one saff for as long as I can remember and each one was as soft as a brush. None of them ever attacked another dog or were unsociable. It's a shame that the breed has been adopted by gangs and chavs.


As for pugs being minging? It's a good job mine can only read Spanish and Italian or they'd be goin' spare at you now...:hihi:

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I saw a couple with a cat in the park the other day, no word of a lie, they had it on a lead a bit


They sound like responsible pet owners to me (unlike most cat owners who are only too happy to let their miserable moggies loose to ruin other peoples gardens).

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The bold bit is the quote of the day.


To be honest though, the two people eating were doing so in an area where there were many dogs around and cannot possibly be compared with the resteraunt analogy. Lol, they were even sitting just a few yards from a dog poo bin.

As for my temper, I'm a very mild mannered person, passively agressive, but I being a big bloke I'm aware that some might find me scary looking, something that I've never liked about myself. The way this bloke thought he could talk to people is what got my goat, and I believe I was right to address him how I did.


The park was chocca today, so there wasn't really anywhere to take them where people weren't, but 99% of the people in the park react to my dogs with effection because they are so friendly and gormless looking.

As a foot note, anybody else see the dead goose in the pond floating in the scum? Poor bugger.

Be careful how you describe the dogs as they do say they grow to resemble their owner!

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If it's on a lead or not, it isn't illegal for the dog to have a crap. The law is for people who don't pick up after it. I don't think we have a "no crapping" law yet.


If dogs are allowed in the park, and they are, then we can't complain if a dog does do what dogs do doo doo.


This is comparable with the logic of Hegelk and Kant!

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That's not a grey are then, it's legal for it be off the lead unless and until it acts dangerously.

Unless there's a local bye law that alters the situation.


14 A person shall not cause or suffer any dog belonging to him or in his charge


To enter or remain in the pleasure ground, unless such dog be and continue to be under proper control and be effectually restrained from causing annoyance to any person and from worrying or disturbing any animal or waterfowl and from entering any ornamental water;


To enter or remain in any of the pleasure grounds mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto, unless such dog be and continue to be controlled by a leash, slip, cord, string or the like.


CITY OF SHEFFIELD BYELAWS made by the Lord Mayor, Alderman and Citizens of the City of Sheffield, acting by the Council, with respect to PLEASURE GROUNDS ... 1966


Not repealled, but unlikely to be enforced unless relating to a dangerous incident.



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