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Have the EDL ever attended Sheffield for a march

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The leaders of the EDL were arrested at one of their demos last year ( I think it was in Scotland ) and were brought to Sheffield to be questioned and the EDL were talking about having a demo outside the courts but nothing ever came of it.

The only EDL thing that has happened to my knowledge in Sheffield was at a KFC in Hillsborough http://www.thestar.co.uk/headlines/Bungling-demo-picked-wrong-shop.6261346.jp?CommentPage=3


I helped organise the Kick It Out Campaign at both United and Wednesday in October and I was expecting at the very least some sort of verbal abuse towards one of the volunteers but as far as I'm aware there was absolutely nothing.

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Do you think the resulting riots will ensure Sheffield gets a mention on Look North?




Ask the police who cause all the problems, it isn't the EDL. It is the UAF/muslims, commie's and so called anti fascists that cause the trouble.

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Ask the police who cause all the problems, it isn't the EDL. It is the UAF/muslims, commie's and so called anti fascists that cause the trouble.


Nope,most of the arrests are EDL, and there wouldn't be any arrests if the knuckle-dragging EDL scum didn't turn up to cause trouble.


A leader of the English Defence League who was described as a “political prisoner” after being jailed for violence at a march had already been placed on the sex offenders register for downloading indecent images of children, The Times can reveal.


The far-right group launched a campaign to free Richard Price, co-ordinator of the West Midlands division of the EDL, after he was jailed last month for violent behaviour. But Price, 41, had been convicted in June 2010 of making four indecent images of children, and possessing cocaine and crack cocaine. That conviction followed an earlier arrest in 2009 for public order offences believed to have been connected with EDL marches. Police were understood to have seized and analysed his computer, leading to the discovery of sexual images of children that he had downloaded. His home was also searched and the drugs were found.


Price admitted four counts of making indecent images of children and two charges of possessing cocaine when he appeared at Birmingham Crown Court. He was banned from owning a computer for a year, given a three-year community supervision order and ordered to sign on to the sex offenders register for five years.


Price, from Quinton, Birmingham, and Collum Keyes, 23, also from Birmingham, were among 12 people arrested when they surged through police lines during a protest in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, in May 2010. When that case came to court in December, Price admitted using threatening behaviour. He was jailed for three months and given a ten-year Criminal Anti-Social Behaviour Order banning him from attending marches outside Birmingham. Keyes, who admitted disorderly conduct, was fined £150.


When Price was jailed, EDL members launched a campaign urging supporters to write to the Prime Minister and MPs to try to “win justice for Richard Price, EDL”.


The Aston Villa supporter, who has also been linked to football hooliganism, was even likened by his supporters to a modern-day John Bunyan, the Puritan Christian preacher and author of Pilgrim’s Progress who was jailed for continuing his sermons without the permission of the established Church in the 1600s.


But today’s revelation that one of the EDL’s leading members has been convicted of sex offences will come as a huge embarrassment to a group that has struggled to shrug off its reputation as a new version of the National Front.


End quote.


Were you involved in the EDL campaign to free a known paedophile?

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heh, just looking at their ebay page..£25 aint bad for a hoodie actually :suspect:


why do they need face masks? hmmmmmmm


£12 for a flag seems a lot tbh, customised or not


It's funny that, they want to ban the burqa but they wear face masks and balaclavas

Yaxley Lennon is a very well dressed young man.

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