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You may not like me and thats ok but...

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you dont know what depresion is try this for size lost my dad 8 years ago lost my mum 4 years ago lost my wife 18 months ago and have no family to turn to. i just take 1 day at a time so thank god you are not me


Whilst I sympathise very much with your situation and wouldn't wish it anyone, it is perhaps worth remembering that some of the worst bouts of depression are those where there seems to be no reason or logic behind it.


Mental torture can strike at anytime and it's debilitating effect can be enormous.


Best wishes to you Pkingy, and all others who are suffering.

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I want to share a little secret with you.

Dispite my online 'persona' im actualy a rather decent bloke. I work hard for crap money, do my best for my babies, pay the rent on time, pay the bills wen due and all in all im a pretty good husband. Ive been working almost 2 years now after a long bought of ill health and ive secured a promotion after i was set on after my stint as a job centre freebie. Im also a caring fella who would do anything for anyone. Im regualy called on by workmates and others for advice, help and guidance. I always do my best to give the best most impartial advice and people do ask if ive trained as a therapist of some sort.

I havent. Well thats enough of blowing my own trumpet. Im in danger of falling off the sofa,,,,,hahaha,,guffor,, and so on.

The thing i wanted to say is this.

Where do i turn, who do i speak to when i feel so incredibly depressed i could easily bugger off from this mortal coil and not look back.

Right, thats it.

thanks for listening.


Please don't feel crap honey, you sound like a lovely bloke and you have family and friends who obviously think the world of you and would feel devastated if anything happened to you.


Have you tried the Samaritans if you're feeling very down? If you feel unable to talk face to face you can email them via the following




Hope it all works out okay for you but maybe this isn't the right place to talk about this. Currently I'm being told to FOAND because I suggested it isn't okay to return goods without a receipt. But there you go...


Take care



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Why do you think people don't like you?


... and does it REALLY matter, if they do or they don't? and is your self-worth dependent on what others think of you?


... if you feel you're ******* people off, maybe an idea to ask yourself, why? What is it I feel, that makes me act that way?


Can help sometimes, just to stop being angry, hurt, frustrated, whatever; and be gentle with yourself, and do a little introspection.

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Can everybody stop the name calling please? It's against forum rules and it's so needless on this thread.


If you aren't able to offer any sources of support or help for the OP then please (she said, being nice in an unusually polite way) leave the thread at this point and take your insults elsewhere.

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A very difficult one to answer. Disregarding the content of your thread but rather why the thread? I can understand your need to be apologetic. Asking for advice from members who you first feel need to apologise to says a couple of things..1) you're thread is a wind up, or 2) your plight is such that you've somehow become very humble...with SF you never know.


My advice would be to look at poster/s and find something you have in common then go PM.


As for content, looking after your kids or working and excusing yourself as to how good you are is a bit of an insult to those that do it naturally, without the need for super hero dad status. Tell the world how you struggle with crappy poor paid work and how you heroically struggle to raise your kids is about how low an achiever you must be. Serious advice: If you want help, never use your children as part of an explanation of your failings and never spit in a mans face at the same time when asking for help.



'You sound like a lovely bloke' will just caress your ego...so I say pull yer pants up and stop whining.:hihi:

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Not really no Depression is serious ...



No depression is serious? ...


Some years ago the Bishop of Norwich was quoted (in the local paper) as having said:


"Never think. You were put on this earth solely to make money."


What he actually said was:


"Never think you were put on this earth solely to make money."


A full stop and a capital letter make a surprising difference to the meaning of a phrase, don't they?


Flowersfade said (in answer to a question in another post): "Not really no Depression is serious ..."


There's no full stop after 'Not really', the initial letter in 'No' is not a capital letter nor is there a full stop after 'No'. The initial letter of 'depression' is a capital however,(which suggests that perhaps depression was the first word of a sentence.


Correct the punctuation and you get: "Not really. No. Depression is serious."


English is a strange language. Minor alterations change the meaning completely.


(Should we really complain about the grammar police?)


Often it's not what you say - it's how you say it.


For instance: If you were male and you were to come home and say to your OH:


"Goddess! When I gaze upon your face, the hands of time stand still." She might wonder what you'd been drinking, but I doubt you'd get into trouble for what you said.


If however, you came home and said to her:


"God! You've got a face that would stop a clock!" What do you think would happen?

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