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Nick Margerrison on Hallam FM


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Originally posted by Nicholarse

It's nice to see so many people enjoy the show. ;)

There's a slow and steady fanbase growing in the Halls of Residence in Shef Uni. Not too many people have heard it, but they are around. They're out there. I've heard people chatting about it occasionally in the canteen at mornings, plus if I mention to someone that I was on/trying to get on Hallam FM a day or two ago and ask them if they listen to it, they may say yes, and chances are they'll comment on your show.


Agreed. I haven't heard anyone being cut off by you yet. To be honest, I've only heard around twenty or so shows so far, but let's be honest - that's more than most people in the world.


I don't know if social etiquette allows me to still call you a tit, but I meant it in a nice way. I did :). (Sort of.) To be honest, I was reading down this thread and thought that HallamFmFAN may have been you at first...

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Dont listen to your show, but I am intrigued as to why you were having second thoughts about wearing a poppy. The money raised goes directly to those "poor working class" folk you mentioned (plus the rest of the social strata that were incapacitated by the war), so why not?


Just curious.

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They're a bit too militaristic for me. I'd already donated twice to the people who sell them, I just wasn't too keen on wearing one.


But as I said I decided to buy one in the end which I then wrote "love not war on" so no one misunderstood why I was wearing it.


In fact that was a really good show, with some great callers...


Talking of which here's the things I want to talk about on tonight's show:




More specifically cheating. If my girlfriend cheated on me I'd rather NEVER FIND OUT. So if she does, don't tell me... There's no such thing as an honest relationship, particularly when it's long distance. Cheating isn't a problem as long as the other person never finds out.


Brain scans...


A brain scan that can apparently root out racists has been developed by scientists. The technique was used on white volunteers shown photographs of black individuals. In those with racist tendencies, a surge of activity was seen in part of the brain that controls thoughts and behaviour.


Should we use this technology, perhaps when recruiting members of the Police? I think not. It's open for debate.


George Bush...


We're fast becoming the 51st state. The Tories think the death penalty should be re-introduced. An American President visits us, at our expense and calls our PM "Tony" all the time. I don't like him. DO you think we should finally cut our ties with the Yanks? I do.




That's roughly it.


I might change the last topic as it's been done to death a bit last week.



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Originally posted by alchresearch

I stopped listening when they felt they had to add 'FM' to their name to be trendy.


Whatever happened to James Watt? He was funny.


Yep, I enjoyed James Watt too. He was very popular and had many regular callers I seem to remember.

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Originally posted by HallamFmFAN

You lot are talking a load of crap!!!! Nick At Night is brilliant. It's not Nick thats a stupid arrogent nob thats up his own rear it's you lot. If you lot had any brains and you actually LISTEN to what he's saying you'll find that he is making alot of sense. The night show has never been better since Nick took over it. He's brill Hallam Fm's brill. So stop complaining about it.



Love, HallamFmFan xxxxx



P.S Nick if you're reading this keep up the good work

:thumbsup: and ignore these tits cos they don't know what they're on about






Your statement does NOT represent the 'Truth' However I obviously accept it as 'Your' HUMBLE opinion! :P;)

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You obviously need more experience with relationships if you think that there is no such thing as an honest relationship.


Has anyone suggested that sn electronic racist detector should be used in recruiting the Police?


Remember that the USA was the 1st English western colony. We set the ground rules. The difference is that we have over 2000 years of history to learn from. The USA is still a baby, and learning to walk in the culture of grown up nations.


I think that you will find that the Shadow Home Secretary mentioned that he was in favour, and Sunday has been filled with senior Tories disagreeing - from John Major down.


Why should Bush not refer to Tony as Tony? Unless you are confusing the two of us of course :D


There is NO reason to cut ties with the USA, unless you have xenophobic (racist?) reasons. Integration is is far better than isolation. Check out history - isolationism merely breeds extreme views.


In summary, you just seem to fall into a rather boring presenter routine that has been done loads of times before to greater and lesser degrees. There is better radio elsewhere to be honest, but not everyone likes to learn, so until your listeners get bored you will be in the chair. At least EMAP will keep you on the lookout in the job stakes eh?

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