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Sheffield ignored again


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I counted them all from the top of the Wheel ... ;)


I don't know how they work it out, maybe on how big the average person is, and how crowded the various streets are?


My guess is that it'd probably be a crude estimate based on thr increased car parking and public transport. E.g if 10,000 people are normally in the city centre and 5,000 have travelled on public transport and 3,000 by car and 2,000 on foot... Then they probably found out how many car park and bus/tram tickets were sold and inflated it. I'm no expert but I'm sure this is someones job in the council as it's quite important for them to be able to estimate and account for how many people are in town

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Perhaps those who feel it was all down to lack of interest from the BBC/ITV should contact http://www.eventsheffield.co.uk/contact.phpand ask which TV stations they were in touch with to publicise the event. Or contact the BBC/ITV and ask if they were told about it/invited?


Just maybe, Leeds are better at publicising their events?

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Did people not get that Diggory Comp was being hugely sarcastic????


Having been to Leeds on a number of occasions I can say the only decent thing there is the Disney commercial office my friend works in.


Look Leeds and Caleedsder are both very lazy and just report what they can see out of their Leeds city centre windows.

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It seems incredible that; in the so-called digital age, a city the size of Sheffield is unable to establish and sustain its own online news channel. The Northern Media School is based in Sheffield and the local colleges run various media courses, therefore we have a plethora of skilled workers all itching for the opportunity to work on a fledgling Sheffield based news channel.

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Time and time again, I've tuned in to see coverage of a major item that has happened in Sheffield, only to see nothing, except some non-news story from Leeds being trumpeted....now I've stopped....Monster Trucks, anyone?


Almost 20 years since the ‘Monster Trucks’ incident, and nothing seems to have changed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Monster_Trucks

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