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New ASDA store to open at Parson Cross.

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i will be glad when it opens so i dont need to travel that far to shop and just for the record i live at that side of town, admit its not near the asda but the area not that bad, just about as bad as what Dore/Totley has turned out to be like !!!!

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I don't think this ASDA will be anything like the size of the Handsworth one.


I drove past it today and the footprint doesn't look that big. The website states 38,000 sq ft sales area, whereas the proposed new Sainsbury at Wadsley Bridge is noted as 50,000 sq ft.


Is anybody else wondering when we're going to reach saturation point with Supermarkets?


It's just like with the boom with inner city living, when I walked around town seeing all the apartments going up I wondered at the time if there would be the demand for them all.....Obviously not with the crash of companies like Merlin Estates.


I keep thinking the same thing with supermarkets. If the shoppers in the North of Sheffield have a total £1 billion/year to spend in 10 different supermarkets that's £100 million each, but if the number of supermarkets increases to 20 the amount to spend stays the same, so each supermarket will get a smaller share....Where does it all end?





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We do. Hence why Asda have invested all this time and money in building one.


Do you think they just pick a place at random using a dart and a map.


i don`t doubt that asda have carried out extensive market research but i just think what sort of impact it will have on local community shops, just off the top of my head i have counted 7 supermarkets in possibly a 5 mile radius

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ASDA are currently advertising for Shop Floor Assistants (Expires 7th June 2011)

but they don't state if the jobs are for ASDA Parson Cross - it just states

Sheffield (New Store).


Good Luck to all applicants.




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