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Open up Sheffield castle remains!

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The idea is to open up the site as described, but to make it a feature that can be seen as you come in on Parkway as well, so no, it wont be surrounded as with the Peace gardens.
Sounds like it.


The Masterplan proposes a mix of residential, office and leisure uses
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When the old rag & tag market was there if you went in at the Dixon lane entrance, on your right hand side there was a stone barn like building where they sold Dogs ,cats, ect.

Facing the entrance to that building and going under Dixon lane was an old tunnel with rooms off it where some of the Whole sale market people kept their veg.

I was told in the 50s that that was part of the old Castle anyone know if there's any truth in this ?

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There is supposed to be some pieces you can see on request in the Market but I've never asked.


There are. I went there once with my Mum about 20 years ago. I remember it as being a small room with broken bits of stonework with some medieval graffiti carved into them. It wasn't very impressive. That's as much of the castle that I thought existed until a few years ago.

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There are plans to open up the remains of Sheffield Castle and create an urban green space which will also feature a memorial to the Sheffield Pals.


This is the most exciting regeneration scheme in the city and as as exciting a scheme asany that have breathed new life in the city centre.


Lets get behind it !


Sheffield pals??? who are pals?

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So exactly how much castle will we see? How will they protect everything from vandalism?

And on the other hand I thought the war memorial next to city hall included Sheffield Pals. It is after all a memorial for all those who died who came from Sheffield. Why should there then be a separate memorial? Perhaps it would be more fitting to commemorate those died in more recent wars such as Gulf War, Falklands, Iraq, and Afghanistan?

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If they do it they will surround them with expensive hotels that the majority of Sheffielders will never use. It will be a focal point and park all right, but for the business class that will be in the hotels. I can imagine it all being boxed in with open days and tours for ordinary Sheffielders on days when business is quiet, like winter.


I would love to see it all stripped back and have a huge peace garden set up for us all to enjoy, It would be great.


Er, not being funny like, but why would you stay in a hotel in your home city expensive or not?:loopy:

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Sheffield pals??? who are pals?


I think it's a regiment from the First World War. When WWI first started young men were encouraged to join by joining 'pals' regiments which would only have people from their local area in it so they could fight alongside their 'pals' as the name suggests.


They were all very young men and as most of them joined early in WWI they mostly died. They didn't realise the carnage they were going into, they thought they would go off and fight for a few months with their friends then come home in time for Christmas and were sent off by their home cities in jolly parades where they were cheered off. As I said, most of them never came back and those that did where extremely traumatised.

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I would love to see this happen. In the bottom of the Louvre they've excavated the foundations of the original fort that stood on the site. That's absolutely amazing. I know this wouldn't be on that scale but it could still be indoors on a similar but scaled down level.


If it was done well I think it could really help get tourists and their wallets into Sheffield City Centre as well as being interesting for locals.

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