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Wincobank born and bred


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I have a copy of the photo what was in the star the other night,showing the Wincobank school football team, but i think the date of it was a bit earlier than 1955/56,?. I will dig it out and have look and see,!!!. Iv"e also got two photos of the school choir, the first one taken in 1949, in the school yard showing 60 members of the choir and two teachers, Mr Auger and Mr Edwards, (Joe). The second one shows the choir again in the school yard, taken in 1950, this time with 54 members of the choir and three staff, Mr Woods, (headmaster) Mr Edwards and Miss Nugent.

Looking at these two photos brings back some great memories of Wincobank and the people who lived there at that time. I"m on both phtos, just wonderd how many people on these photos are still around.?.

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Not on the 'back to back houses' topic, but seems this has turned into lovely memories of Wincobank thread. So, today, I took my hubby to Woolley Woods, my childhood playground and it brought tears to my eyes. The bluebells are absolutely stunning, the scent turned me into an 8 year old again! I remember I used to pick huge bunches for Mum and Granny which had always wilted by the time I got them home, but they always got put in a vase on the table anyway. Once again I crushed the wild garlic to make my fingers 'stinky' and stuck them in front of hubby's nose as I used to do to my brother. What lucky children we were to have this beautiful wood to play in, and where no-one ever bothered us (except some big lads once who whacked my brother with a stick!). Happy days.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't know if anyone has seen tonights Star, theres a picture in from 1955/56 of the united shield winner from Wincobank school, Newman Rd. Dad thinks Middle row 2nd from right is the late Trevor Flavel, & back row 2nd right is ? Kenneth Wright, it doesn't say who the photo is from.


Hi janie-m I didn't see the photograph in the sheffield star as i'm living in south wales. I have 2 photo's one is of wincobank school football team taken 1954-1955. The photo shows Trevor Flavell, Eric Liversidge, Raymond Muress, Tony Slater, Freddy Wakefield, John O'hara with teacher Mr Granville. The other photo is taken outside the Foundry Arms about 60 years ago,ready for the annual trip to the seaside, and every child from Newman rd must be on it.

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  • 1 month later...

Ukdobby, my grandparents lived on Standon and I went for music lessons to Mrs Brooks towards the top and on the left. On the other side of the road there was a huge house with what I thought at the time was a chapel right in the middle. It was on what is now Woodbury I think and was at right angles to Standon Road. The whole building was very wide as I remember and walled all round. I was quite afraid of it as I thought it was very spooky but nowhere have I ever found any reference to it. This was not Woolley House which was through the gates at the very top of Standon before the new estate was built. I would be interested to know if anyone else remembers this from the late 50's early 60's I would guess.

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