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Salt Bins & Road Gritting In Sheffield


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OH went out yesterday and gritted the whole street with his trusty wheelbarrow, amazing really coz can't tell you how many ppl came out and said thank you, and no-body had ever done anything like that before (we've only just moved here!!)

been round again today and the bins are empty, tell you what tho, cant get over how many other ppl thought it was okay to take it out and just grit their drive, so thanks for this will email now,

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Cannot believe the state of the MAIN roads!! Gritters apparently done their job?! What a joke. And fair enough to the people who've been doing their roads, but it shouldn't be down to those people, its the lack of support from Sheffield Council. Its the same story every year, you'd think they'd learn!

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And as predicted, cars are coming down southey hill, skidding into and upon the pavements and theres just been a crash and almost an overturned car, man with 2 kids and a pregnant wife in the back........shame the gritter that went down Adlington Road last night couldnt have made a little de-tour and done Southey Hill. Most of the street are out helping cars whove got into trouble, probably have stuck a bit of grit down an all to try and avert the accidents, but the grit box thats been there for years has not been replaced.


That will be the bin that I mentioned in a previous post. Streetforce have yet again been made aware, but if they do something about it is another thing

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Cannot believe the state of the MAIN roads!! Gritters apparently done their job?! What a joke. And fair enough to the people who've been doing their roads, but it shouldn't be down to those people, its the lack of support from Sheffield Council. Its the same story every year, you'd think they'd learn!


They can't / don't spread the grit when it's snowing. It just gets washed away and it gets wasted. The main routes I drove on earlier had slush on them and were passable with care. Grit is to prevent ice, not snow. One of my neighbours has gritted the road and footpath out side our houses this morning, it's now covered with snow.


I think the council has bought new gritters this year and has 50% more grit than last year.

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Hi, has anyone had gritters in/around their roads? it states on local radio that mostl main routes in sheffield have been gritted, well, whats wrong with lound side, the main road into chapeltown in sheffield, buses cannot get up cars all over and not a gritter in sight!! hardly any of the roads up here have been touched, has anyone else noted their roads have/have not been gritted?

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Had some problems getting home from work last night, left Stocksbridge at 6.30am this morning, main road ok but negotiatiing Park Drive was quite a worry (so this had not been salted overnight)


Manchester Road was ok but was then concerned to see an ambulance attanding an emergency who looked like it could not negotiate either Hole House or Park Drive, i hope the patient is ok, and managed to be attended.


What further annoyed me was lack of griiting on the approch road from Deepcar to the by pass (responsibility of Sheffield CC) yet the bypass (responsibility of Highways Agency) was well salted.


To hear Wayne Southall (Sheffield Streetforce) saying 'the snow caught us totally by surprise' (again) on radio Sheffield is like a stuck gramaphone record. I appreciate it was a Sunday , but yet again it seems the whole of north Sheffield quickly became gridlocked due to 2" of snow, because they cannot mobilise resources.

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