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Should organised religion be banned?

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Banning religion simply doesn't work.

The English attempted to wipe out Catholicism in Ireland from the late 16th century and only succeeded in making the Catholic church so strong that it virtually ruled the roost here until very recently.

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Organised religion should definitely not be banned, true separation of church and state would be nice though.

Also, what's an opportunistic atheist fashionista?

My bold


And separation of church and education - especially when the school is receiving government funding.


Banning religion would be totally pointless - it would still exist, it would just be driven underground.

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I too am an atheist, and organised religion should not be banned. As an afterthought, there may be a reason to ban the Church of Scientology though.


Oh and maybe ban the Mormons too.


Oh and then there's a couple or more of those truly dreadful American evangelist preachers you sometimes see on the telly. Maybe they should be banned too.


And whilst I think about it, are the Plymouth Brethern still around? Maybe they should be banned too.


Actually, there's some Hindus who are currently slaughtering a quarter of a million animals in Nepal - maybe they should get banned.


Oh and I've just remembered those militant Muslims and those awful Irish Presbyterians - maybe they should get banned.


Actually, I'm not that keen on those homophobic Anglicans and those paedophile Catholic priests - maybe we ought to ban them too.


I think that leaves us with the Methodists, Baptists, United Reform church, the Sally Army, the Quakers and Sikhs. Oh, silly me, I forgot Grahame! :)


Nah - on further reflection, why would anyone want to ban any organised religion?

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Should organised religion be banned?
No. To ban a belief is censorship. The UK is already turning into an Orwellian society without its citizens being accused and punished for thought crime too.


At the very most we should strive for a secular society where religion has no influence over politics.

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I too am an atheist, and organised religion should not be banned. As an afterthought, there may be a reason to ban the Church of Scientology though.


Oh and maybe ban the Mormons too.


Oh and then there's a couple or more of those truly dreadful American evangelist preachers you sometimes see on the telly. Maybe they should be banned too.


And whilst I think about it, are the Plymouth Brethern still around? Maybe they should be banned too.


Actually, there's some Hindus who are currently slaughtering a quarter of a million animals in Nepal - maybe they should get banned.


Oh and I've just remembered those militant Muslims and those awful Irish Presbyterians - maybe they should get banned.


Actually, I'm not that keen on those homophobic Anglicans and those paedophile Catholic priests - maybe we ought to ban them too.


I think that leaves us with the Methodists, Baptists, United Reform church, the Sally Army, the Quakers and Sikhs. Oh, silly me, I forgot Grahame! :)


Nah - on further reflection, why would anyone want to ban any organised religion?


To be honest I don't get this at all, I spoke to some Mormons, even invited them in to talk, we didn't talk about religion hardly at all. Mostly we talked about Pokemon Stadium, and Red and Blue on the Gameboy, they were some of the nicest genuine people I have met.

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I don't think Religion should be banned in any way, I think people should be free to follow/believe in all that if they want to. I think what really should happen is that Religion plays no part in education, politics or anything that has any influence/power/control over the general population.


If someone chooses to seek out religion and be a part of it then I think that's fine, but I don't think any part of religion should be thrust upon us all or have any involvement in our lives unless we want it too.

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Why ?


What purpose is served by religion ?


What purpose is served by scones? Or by playing on your xbox?


Personal freedom is a central part of being a liberal democracy, you can't behave in a communist way, claim that it's for peoples own good and still believe in personal freedom (the right to worship as they wish being part of that).

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