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New management at the royal standard student bar

Big Sam 90

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I've only been here for 2 days now but the offers they put we put on for Sheffield Hallam students are fantastic. We offer an RS card for a £1 which gives students great discounts on food on drink. For example students can have a big meal for only £2, last night we had drinks for just £1.00 and we have offers on everyday



Have you thought of just lowering your prices so everybody benefits rather than a group of people who are only here for six months of the year

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I do apologise if I upset or offended anyone. My comments were lighthearted and meant as a joke. Again I apologise if I upset anyone

Don't apologise Big Sam, you wouldn't want some of these Forum Muppets in your pub anyway. Good luck mate!

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Many places offer the same things at different prices. It's good business practice if you can get away with it. I bet if you asked a carriage full of people on a train how much they had paid for their seat, you'd get dozens of answers, for example.


Next time you are in a supermarket, look at the bottom of the shelves. That there is the same product as you have just picked up from a higher shelf, but at a lower price. Supermarkets know most people are too busy to look around for things and just get the item that is at eye level - but they also know that some people are more price sensitive and will look more, so the cheaper things are there for them too.


Look at it this way - the students buying the cheap beer means they get to use full barrels without wasting much - and if the barrels weren't being emptied, you'd end up paying for the wasted part, or the pub would lose money.


That said, if you're describing the scheme as a loyalty scheme it ought really to apply to all your loyal customers.

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