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The London Bombings - 7/7/05 - Conspiracies, politics, commentary

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To be accurate, Roy, you received a ban for posting innapropriately after warnings on the thread.


Anyway, if the bombers are shown to be 'home grown' - i.e. British subjects, probably born here, who have been recruited by terrorist organisations at universities, colleges or Mosques (apparently the former are increasingly likely as recruitment venues for extremists as they are less likely to get thrown out of those places than they are most Mosques) then how will tightening the borders stop this happening again?


By the way - I actually agree with tighter controls on immigration; it's just that it would have been as much use as a chocolate teapot in this case if the bombers are Brits.



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Originally posted by JoePritchard

By the way - I actually agree with tighter controls on immigration; it's just that it would have been as much use as a chocolate teapot in this case if the bombers are Brits.




Or if they'd just come in as if on holiday!

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I’m not listening to a lecture on foreign policy from a self-confessed racist and a coward and a bigot!:mad: [/b]



Oh Mimi we have been down this road before,you ought to realise by now I am neither a coward or a racist.:mad:

As to Joes comment I thought I was banned for making a valid comment which one mod in particular did not want to hear.

oh and I also have received quite a few PMs saying I was right for saying what I did.

Anyway back to the thread,even if they are so called(home grown) the point is that Islam is the enemy of the western world and those who have done this terrible dead are most probably muslim.

I have to be careful what I say now the law has changed to stop free speech,but even if I am banned again everyone knows the truth now.

Oh and finaly I dont hold all muslims responsible for this attack ,just the faith which is used to justify the actions of a few.

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Originally posted by royjames

Having served a 4 day ban for telling the truth about the bombings I will AGAIN say it was always on the cards that we would suffer this type of attack.



You should know by now Roy, you can only think what the moderators want you to think. You're certainly not allowed to hurt the feelings of those poor bombers - they have human rites.

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Originally posted by royjames

Oh and finaly I dont hold all muslims responsible for this attack ,just the faith which is used to justify the actions of a few.


So do you hate the Christian faith too as the IRA used Christianity as an excuse for their bombings? Maybe we should "voluntarily but forcefully" (to quote the BNP) repatriate all Catholics to Rome. Never could stand these foreign religions anyway lol. ;)

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Islam is not the enemy of the western world.


They do not use their 'faith' to justify their actions cos their actions are not justifiable.


You are trying to divide opinion and make people hate each other. Well tried love :clap: but it won't work. Stop trying to capitalise on what has happened, it is sickening. Those people didn't die so you could rally support for Nick the Prick.



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Originally posted by JoePritchard

As for the 'precision' of the positioning and timing of the bombs against the excercise, the 'precise' locations of detonation on Thursday morning were dependent upon so many things - the trains being on time, travelling at the correct speed, etc. that the bombs could have easily exploded plus or minus several hundred metres from where they did explode even with only a small variation in timing.


As was pointed out earlier, if you want to clobber London, go for the Underground. Once you make that decision there aren't that many 'choke points' within the system to choose from.




Nah. The mere fact that the correlation was so exact (according to Power) makes the coincidence more staggering, not less.


Even Visor's analysis showed up that the tube is nothing but a mass of connected choke points. The same effect could be created by bombing any three reasonably disparate points - the effects being the complete shutdown of the tube system.


I still think this is too weird to let it pass, yet not a single network beyond our friendly freak fringe has even noticed or cares. I'd like to hear how Power's exercise differed from the actual events. Might end up having to phone Visor myself.

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Originally posted by royjames

Anyway back to the thread,even if they are so called(home grown) the point is that Islam is the enemy of the western world and those who have done this terrible deed are most probably muslim.


Oh and finaly I dont hold all muslims responsible for this attack, just the faith which is used to justify the actions of a few.


You are failing to make the distinction between faith and religious fanatics. It is not religious faith that is to blame, but the religious fanatics who justify their obscene actions based on a distorted and fanatical intepretation of their religion.


Much could be said of Christian zealots (some of whom, in the USA, have actually murdered doctors who have performed abortions).


So Islam is not to blame, and nor is it the enemy of the Western world. It appears that there may have been Muslims amongst the victims of this atrocity. The perpetrators of the London bombings didn't care who they killed, or what their victims religion was. Whatever their misguided perceptions and beliefs might be, they were by any definition simply terrorists.


Let us not forget that there were many Muslims in the emergency services who helped save lives and assisted the injured. Are they to be castigated because of their religion, Islam, and called the enemy of the western world? I think not.

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Royjames I would point you to this:


I am a Muslim born and brought up in Manchester and i strongly condemn the horrific attacks of yesterday. In no way can the terrorists call themselves Muslims, they use the name of Islam as a cover up, but in no way do these attacks represent Islam. The word itself means 'Peace' and Muslims around the world greet each other with the words 'May peace be upon you'. The people behind these attacks should be caught and prosecuted severely as there is absolutely no justification for killing innocent civilians. No matter what the West has done in Iraq - TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT.

Tooba Farooq, Manchester, UK




I am a Londoner and a Muslim. The people that carried out these attacks are not Muslims in my eyes, to kill innocent people is against the foundations of Islam. Muslims across the world should condemn and denounce these barbarians from having anything to do with our faith. I am so proud of my City for the solidarity Londoners have shown. We have to remain strong and not let the terrorists win.

Saira, London


and this:


I'm sad and deeply wounded by these horrific attacks on the innocents. Being a Muslim even hurts me more because those claimed for the attacks carry the name of my belief and turn the world against Muslims. Never once has the religion said it is your duty to take lives of people. It affects me in more than one way: I am hurt for the victims and their families, but I am also hurt for the future victims of hate crime. Please help us come together at this tragic time and help prevent hate crime towards innocent Muslims in London.

Lela Haan, Minneapolis, USA


Please do not make things harder for the Brits who are scared for their lives by stiring up hatred for Muslims.



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Funnily enough we had a few PMs congratulating us for trying to keep the temperature down, so I guess that both sets of views are vindicated.


Secondly, what would be 'so called' about stating these bombers are home grown if they do turn out to be UK subjects? Richard Read - the 'Shoe Bomber' - has a good anglo-saxon name and was as guilty as hell. Brits exist who are dis-satisfied with things the way they are, Roy. They don't have to be of foreign extraction to dislike their own country. Many of the greatest acts of treachery ever committed aginst this nation have been carried out by people from the highest families of the land.


Unregistered - if we really wanted to control what people think, do you think we'd let you guys post? That is a laughable statement to make. Oh, and it's human 'rights', not 'rites'. And as far as I'm concerned anyone who commits these atrocious acts dumps any rights they might have had.



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