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British Legion accepts BNP gift

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Have a pop at the Mosque's that take donations from the proceeds of drug dealing. They all do. This is a fact.



Is that so. You forgot to substantiate your comment. We're waiting.


I've decided not to hold my breath.:roll:

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Have a pop at the Mosque's that take donations from the proceeds of drug dealing. They all do. This is a fact.


Hmm..I heard that too, but from the same person that told me people called Riche all enjoyed wearing their Mum's bra & panties whilst she was out shopping at Asda.

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None of those Govts though had a constitution whereby the leader has full control over the party.


Was the USSR fascist then? How about the Baath party in Iraq, were they Fascist?


The party and its leadership all come from a Fascist tradition, they have fascist policies on the centralisation of power in to the hands of one individual, regular purges of dissidents, seeking power through the victimisation of minorites, authoritarianism and the reliance on propoganda and lies to get them in to power, Nationalist, Seperatist, Protectionist.


In what respect do you think they aren't Fascist? they fit the description exactly.


Like I said before, having similar or partial policies that overlap that of previous fascist government does not mean they are fascist. In order to be, they need to tick every box otherwise there a number of countries around the world that could also be considered fascist.


You are shoe horning the fascist label onto the BNP because it suits you and you think it gives you a credible argument. How has that gone for you so far? I suggest you look at the rising sympathy with the BNP as testament that your ways of combating them are failing dismally. You need to ask yourself why.

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Was the USSR fascist then? How about the Baath party in Iraq, were they Fascist?


Yes under Stalin and whilst I haven't looked at the politics of the Baathist party in any detail they appeared to be under a dictatorship, which is pretty much defining of Fascism.


I touched on some reasons in post 35 on this thread.




Like I said before, having similar or partial policies that overlap that of previous fascist government does not mean they are fascist. In order to be, they need to tick every box otherwise there a number of countries around the world that could also be considered fascist.


You are shoe horning the fascist label onto the BNP because it suits you and you think it gives you a credible argument. How has that gone for you so far? I suggest you look at the rising sympathy with the BNP as testament that your ways of combating them are failing dismally. You need to ask yourself why.


Like I said before there is nothing partial about it. The BNP are part of a Fascist tradition, that works with Fascist groups and that has Fascist policies.


As someone else has said "when I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck."


The same is true of the BNP. In what sense are they not Fascist?

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How about Zakat and 1/8th of which goes to "those fighting for Allah".


Who is entitled to receive Zakat:


Eight catergory of individual may received the zakat, Noble Quran (9:60)


* 1. A needy - Fuqara'

* 2. Extreme poor Muslim - Al-Masakin

* 3. Those employed to collect - Aamileen

* 4. Those whose hearts are to be won - Muallafatul Quloob

* 5. To free the captives - Ar-Riqaab

* 6. Those in debt - Al Ghaarimeen

* 7. In the way of Allah - Fi Sabeelillah

* 8. Wayfarer - Ibnus-Sabeel




So where do you get your info from? "those fighting for Allah" is not listed in the Koran.

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There is more to information that what you can find on Wiki :roll: Try doing some research.


You have presented an unreferenced inflammatory claim, if it is not backed up by anyone doing the minimum to look in to it then it is for you to substantiate or to provide a reference for where you have received the information, not me.


Are you attacking me because your (jihadwatch? Shariawatch?) source is obviously biassed and you are ashamed to admit it? or do you think ad hominems assist with making your argument and excuse you engaging in the exchange of information?

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In what sense are they not Fascist?


A fascist government is characterised by adhering to a number of criteria. The BNP fulfil some of these requirements but not all.


Centralisation of authority - Yes

Socioeconomic controls - Yes

Suppression of opposition - No

Oppressive - not the majority

Dictatorial control - No


As I have said before and something you refuse to accept as it would mean you adjusting your position, is that the BNP do not fulfil all the requirements and as such cannot be labelled fascist.


If you allow partial adherence to the criteria, then all number of other groups and governments throughout history suddenly become labelled as such under the decree of you alone.

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You have presented an unreferenced inflammatory claim, if it is not backed up by anyone doing the minimum to look in to it then it is for you to substantiate or to provide a reference for where you have received the information, not me.


Are you attacking me because your (jihadwatch? Shariawatch?) source is obviously biassed and you are ashamed to admit it? or do you think ad hominems assist with making your argument and excuse you engaging in the exchange of information?


Do some research before resulting to insulting me.


The term comes directly from the "Reliance of the Traveller: The Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law" by Ahmad Ibn Lulu Ibn Al-Naqib and Noah Ha Mim Keller.

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