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Arbourthorne road? Is it really that bad?

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I think Lib1 it's because you appear to continually be so objectionable and intent on igniting further arguments by slating off where others live at the expense of where your dwelling place is, an example of this is your quote below....


"I notice that the Norfolk Park development residents (BertieBasset, E-Man Grooving et al) are being v. quiet about this topic, despite the fact that their development is basically across the road from the Arbourthorne estate...


People disregard the less expensive Parklands development because it is close to the Manor council estate... but no one seems to mind that the more expensive Norfolk Park development homes are in close proximity to the Arbourthorne estate.





Other people on the other hand are constructively trying to help OxfordAlly find some accomodation that is suitable given what he's mentioned about himself and his circumstances.


The flat at £95,000 may be priced so seemingly cheaply because a quick sale is needed or because it was bought for much less and the seller just wants a profit. It may also be a different size to the more expensive ones.


If it's been up for sale for quite a time OxfordAlly may be bale to secure it for less than the asking price. Sometimes such pricing anomalies exist.






Originally posted by Lib1

"So what are you doing on this thread. There are plenty of other places for us to have the Parklands vs Norfolk Park debate. "


Andy- I didn't notice you telling BertieBasset off for trying to sell NP dev property to OxfordAlly on this thread...


Typical- one rule for me another rule for the NP dev folk... ho hum...



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Originally posted by BertieBasset

If it's been up for sale for quite a time OxfordAlly may be bale to secure it for less than the asking price. Sometimes such pricing anomalies exist.


Are you suggesting that the price of the flat may be reduced from £95,000 to £80,000???


Crikey ;-)



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No, but they may knock something like £5K off if the purchaser is in a good position, e.g. first time buyer etc. OxfordAlly may also decide to take in a lodger to help pay the mortgage, who knows?


An extra £10K-£15K on a mortgage each month isn't much.


It's a buyers market at the moment.

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An £80,000 mortgage spead over 25 years with a 5.75% interest rate (less than average- the standard variable rate is 6.75%) is: £503.29 per month


A £95,000 mortgage at the same rate is: £597.65 per month


(see the Channel 4 mortgage calculator at: http://www.channel4.com/4money/mortgages/features/overpayment_calculator.html - remember to put £0 into the 'overpayments' bit)




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you can get mortgages much cheaper than the rates you've quoted, plus take into consideration the possibility of renting out a room.


The word "blunt" really doesn't do your communication style justice does it....


In previous threads some people have voiced concerns over some of the incumbent residents of the Manor, I take a different view, I'm sympathetic for them with someone like you moving into the area..... :rant:

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(I'm sure T020 will have something to say about my upcoming message- but in this case it was OxfordAlly that wanted advice about an 'old build' in the first place...)


Why would OxfordAlly turn down a whole house for £80,000 and decide to buy a pokey two-bed apartment across the road for £95,000 especially when he may (according to BertieBasset anyway!) have to take on a lodger in order to pay the higher mortgage???


That's crazy talk!



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MOD: I'm sure OxfordAlly welcomes all advice & suggestions & is capable of making up his/her own mind about what's helpful & what's not. The topic is about Arbourthorne Road so let's get back to that & away from berating other users for giving advice.

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Erm- my last message was on topic...


OxfordAlly originally enquired about buying property on Arbourthorne Road. BertieBasset suggested that he should buy a flat in Norfolk Park instead and I said that in comparison to this and due to the original budget that OxfordAlly stated, OxfordAlly would be better off purchasing the Arbourthorne Road property.


Your warning in this instance was unnecessary. When other threads have spiralled out of control and have turned into grudgematches, where were you then?



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Wouldn't it be nice to actually help someone for a change instead of these threads turning into a 'us and them' debate :rolleyes:


Maybe people with a chip on their shoulder and no knowledge of Arbourthorne Rd should just but-out and let the other people help :loopy:

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