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Sheffield forum mentioned in daily mirror.

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Originally posted by joyphil

We'll be getting discussed by Mark Lawson before we know it, intra-communicative social phenomenon that we are. Fame at last.


I can see it now, Geoff, Nick Hornby and the lead singer from 'oop north band' The Kaiser Chiefs, discuss the politics of new media and its impact on celebrity hemlines at the Palm D'Or.


... of course, Geoff will have a bag on his head.



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In case anyone who works for the daily mirror is reading this:


Your paper is a load of crap. Writing for the mirror is the journalistic equivalent of fellating Beelzebub.


Of course, you should thank your guardian spirits you don't work for the Stun or News of the Screws. Small mercies eh?

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

In case anyone who works for the daily mirror is reading this:


Your paper is a load of crap. Writing for the mirror is the journalistic equivalent of fellating Beelzebub.


Of course, you should thank your guardian spirits you don't work for the Stun or News of the Screws. Small mercies eh?


Nice one Phan!! :thumbsup::heyhey::clap:

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Actually, and seriously, I believe the copyright message there refers to the site itself, not the content.


I'm still wondering whether we can have a clause that allows us to ban people for bringing the forum in to disrepute!



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Originally posted by JoePritchard

Actually, and seriously, I believe the copyright message there refers to the site itself, not the content.


I'm still wondering whether we can have a clause that allows us to ban people for bringing the forum in to disrepute!




So my limericks are safe then?...and mine?... all MINE!! MINE I TELL YOU!!! *coughs* oops, sorry, err not taken the tablet this morning....

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Originally posted by msbehavin

Good point Cyclone - but it's Geoff that has the copyright - see bottom of site.. how do I stand with my limericks for publication then?


No he doesn't. Anything I write I automatically own the copyright too.


Joe - you can write what you like, and if you put something into a contractural agreement that you have to agree to whenever you join the site or whenver you view it as a guest it might even be possible to sue someone for breach of it, just so long as you can prove that they agreed to it in the first place and didn't just arrive via a deep link.

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As regards the Mirror lifting quotes from the Forum, they're in the public domain so there's nothing you can do about it.


National newspapers get away with far, far naughtier stuff than this... word-for-word lifts of local newspaper copy without credit and photographs scanned in from rival publications, for example.


Originally posted by Phanerothyme

In case anyone who works for the daily mirror is reading this:


Your paper is a load of crap. Writing for the mirror is the journalistic equivalent of fellating Beelzebub.


Of course, you should thank your guardian spirits you don't work for the Stun or News of the Screws. Small mercies eh?


Bit harsh Phan, the article was probably cobbled togather by a staffer scraping by on far less than the national average wage.

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