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Swine flu in Sheffield - latest developments?

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Anyone heard of silver colloid? My partner has been on about it for about a year now,and makes it with a battery,crocodile clip and strip of silver.Its meant to cure loads of stuff.

I've never felt too sure about it,but he's got us all taking it now.

I'm not sure about this swine flu,I really cant face us all being ill with sickness!!

I just ggoogled silver colloid and found this(I must go to bed now!)http://www.aguasilver.info/index.html



Edited by peakma
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If everyone stayed at home for just two weeks we could just about wipe this pandemic out or at least slow it down, quarantine air and see passengers and bobs your uncle. But oh no we can't do that can we? Money is more important than lives.


The vast majority of the population would be dead. No electricity, no gas supplies. No fresh water supplies, No fresh food. How would we survive

if everybody stayed at home?

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Is this because I have won every debate with you. I have only left comments where posters have been wrong at best or like yourself have been down right misleading .

It is the likes of you who lose a debate then attack the poster. The most low and despicable way to behave on any forum.

I am sure people can read and make their own minds up without the need of a mentoring commentary. the more you attack and spread lies about my comments the better, as this will ultimately make you look ridiculous .

All because I am not like you that does not meen my post are less relevant than yours.

another person to troll and quote out of context. just goes to show how irrelevant you actually are..


this thread is supposed to be about the latest devolpments of swine flu not a debate. ive tried to include developments such as details on the vaccine ect but all i get is a load of crap about it all being a conspiracy. if you wanna debate over this create a new thread and leave this one for its intended purpose, people are having to read all 20 odd pages to find the tiny bits of 'important' news about swine flu and shouldnt have to be reading all this crap.

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this thread is supposed to be about the latest devolpments of swine flu not a debate. ive tried to include developments such as details on the vaccine ect but all i get is a load of crap about it all being a conspiracy. if you wanna debate over this create a new thread and leave this one for its intended purpose, people are having to read all 20 odd pages to find the tiny bits of 'important' news about swine flu and shouldnt have to be reading all this crap.


Sadly the forum these days has far too many members who can't resist the temptation to parade their egos rather than contribute usefully to the discussion.


I posted a couple of links above that should be of interest, - the New Scientist article suggests that the govt. are in wishful thinking mode over the availability of a vaccine by September.


If I were a parent of youngsters I should be hoping they contract the virus now while it is still active in a relatively mild form and treatable with Tamiflu. This should hopefully enable the child to develop an immunity to the virus should it mutate into something really nasty.


On the BBC News this morning it was suggested that the child who died in London was initially diagnosed with tonsillitis rather than swine flu, only an autopsy will reveal the actual cause of death.

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5 people in our office now. Centre of Sheffield. One who was confirmed has come back in to work. Wonder if that's wise?


Oh sorry, I'm not fitting in. It's all a conspiracy to make us all ill so the dolphins can take over the world. Or something.


Anyway, as you were.

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5 people in our office now. Centre of Sheffield. One who was confirmed has come back in to work. Wonder if that's wise?


Oh sorry, I'm not fitting in. It's all a conspiracy to make us all ill so the dolphins can take over the world. Or something.


Anyway, as you were.




:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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this thread is supposed to be about the latest devolpments of swine flu not a debate. ive tried to include developments such as details on the vaccine ect but all i get is a load of crap about it all being a conspiracy. if you wanna debate over this create a new thread and leave this one for its intended purpose, people are having to read all 20 odd pages to find the tiny bits of 'important' news about swine flu and shouldnt have to be reading all this crap.


well said louise

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My youngster was diganosed with tonsillitis a few weeks ago after an inital display of flu like symptoms, when he first started with flu like symptoms N.H.S direct did not want to know, regardless of the fact we are so close to a few of the schools that had outbreaks. After him being ill for two days with a raging temp, the G.P co-op sent out a Dr to test him for Flu. He never got the swabs, because the G.P said he had tonsillitis. I have often wonderd if he actually had tonsillitus because he never mentioned soreness in his thoat. He mentioned everything else the aches,headache and at times double vision.

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