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Everything posted by snooch

  1. these people are great, they do my windows are do an excellent job fairly priced too
  2. whatsa modern automatic??? mines an 02 plate. is it at dinosaur status yet:hihi:
  3. the BNP are apalling but what is even more worrying is that the violent left wing seem to be getting them more attention, and not in a bad way either, while ever the extremists start being violent then the BNP are going to look good.
  4. it is from what i have actaully seen when i have been marching with the UAF, the violence was the main reason i left.
  5. typical UAF i'm afraid to say, very sad indeed.
  6. i do apologise wildcat, i must have missed your post. my black eye occured on a rally/protest against nick griffin and the BNP down in london,, there was a bit of fructus and myself and a couple others ended up a bit bruised and battered it was in 2004/05. i was doing quite a lot of protesting at the time has i was dissillusioned by the world. hope this answers your question
  7. my heart has really gone out to feddie, bea is abitch and the bullying needs to stop
  8. try sham.69er on here, he is great, does my windows and does a great job. good price too
  9. granted, it does take a bit of getting used too, i felt very lazy for the first couple of days not having to do much but it is fab for zipping about town
  10. i agree with you about the UAF i used to march with them but they were far too violent for my liking. nobody likes a racsist but the UAF kinda defeat the object somewhat.
  11. was in that last night only they were roast beef flavoured
  12. will i go to hell for feeding my dog pickled onion monster munch
  13. well mine is a two litre engines and i have no trouble reaching the speed i need. in fact, it is a little too nippy for my liking. i cannot fault them and am very tempted never to go back to a manual. all that changing gears n clutch control. i love my little dodgem car x
  14. i actually learnt to drive in a manual and passed in one and now i drive an automatic, they are great apart from a few little things like waitng agess to change gear etc. bit more pricey on fuel too but its fab after that. just point and drive
  15. how much do i hate bea, what a stuck up ****e stirring bitch she is... i dont know how i would be able not to smack her in the gob
  16. thank you. my question is.... if "some " of the leftwing protesters are violent as the ones i have witnessed are, and some of the rightwing protesters are violent then are they not just the same{as bad as each other}? they each believe that their view is the right view so instead of clashing with each other to get their views heard and causing unrest etc. don't you think it wouls be far better to avoid each and have respect and tolerance for the differing opinions? two wrongs do not make a right and as much as i hate the bnp, i lost all respect for the UAF when the clearly started the violence on what was supposed to be a peaceful protest i just wondered what your take on this is?
  17. diversity is what everyone keeps banging on about so why can the BNP hold their fair or whatever it is and why cant the UAF hold peaceful demonstration with out it reverting to violence. i hate the BNP and all they stand or but i have to say after going on some of these so called "peaceful protests " with the UAF they were far to violent for me. it is a shame really because the UAF have some very good points to make but they imo have always been the first to start the violence and it defeats the object. i wont protest with them for this reason.
  18. just to let you know the one at peaks is deffo still there, i saw it yesterday
  19. agreed. i think he is more f**kwit than halfwit every day:hihi:
  20. i thought it was quite a good idea but it was a little racist in their approach, why just the muslims? if they are wanting to do this kind of thing then they should do it for the rest of society. jews, rasta's, buddist, etc etc. we have a fantastic diverse society in sheffield but it does seem to me that only one section of it are getting all the benefits and attention. just my opinion.
  21. the rash fading is a very good indication that it is a viral rash due to the virus in here body, whip her down the docs and be firm with them telling them you are very worried and want reassurance that it is nothing more sinister than flu/cold. good luck
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