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Sheffield rapist father gets sentence cut

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A man who fathered nine children by raping his two daughters over many years has won a cut in his minimum jail term at the Court of Appeal.


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So not only did he subject his daughters to a lifetime of abuse he even had the brass neck to protest about the sentence.


25 counts of rape and 19 pregnancies and he gets his jail time cut. Unbelievable.

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I'm confused by the term "serious murders", when is a murder not serious? Also if I was those girls I think being murdered by him would have been preferable to a lifetime of rape and abuse.

They are going to have to suffer for the rest of their lives because of this and it's only fitting that he should too.

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Once again this highlights the huge gap between public opinion on sentencing and the opinion of the government/judges.


I'm sure it won't be long before the BHL's (Bleeding Heart Liberals) turn up, but this man should have been hanged.

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I don't agree that he should have been hanged, but I do think the judge should have increased his sentence for having the damn brass neck to appeal against it, considering the dreadful nature of his crimes.


He should not see the light of day, IMO. Every one of his life sentences should be served, and served consecutively, not concurrently.

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the man wants understanding and sympathy and a compassionate shoulder for him to lean on....then hitting with a meat cleaver

ps and the dumpling that let his sentence be reduced

Edited by blurt
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I too think it's disgusting and personally after recently completing jury service it troubles me that verdicts and sentences can be overturned or reduced at a later appeal ...surely appeals should only be heard where new evidence/information is available that could cast doubt on the original verdict ....how much hard earned tax payers money is spent on re-trials/appeals of guilty people trying it on for the hell of it hoping to get off or at best get a reduction to their sentence!!! ....If I was the judge I would have increased his sentence for his rotten cheek !!! :rant:

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Reduced to come into line with a sentence for "serious murders"? In that case the sentence for murder should be increased.


The justice system in this country is a joke. That man should NEVER, EVER be allowed to walk free. This kind of man will NEVER stop. Its an addiction to him. I hope that judge knows that by reducing the sentence and letting this $&*$^% walk free in 14 years, he's more then likely condemned another young girl to misery.


I hope he can live with himself.

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