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Hows your day going?

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Time for a rant me thinks.


1) A courier failed to read an A3 piece of paper saying please leave the parcel next door and they had to move the rather sizable piece of paper to put a card through the door saying they had tried to deliver the parcel. ****

2) A company quoting me three times the going rate for some work I want doing.

3) A graphic designer sending me AI files that I cannot open because I don't have illustrator. All I want is a Jpeg.

4) Ive got 9000 flyers that should be in Sheffield but are 200 miles away and will be until Saturday

5) The cat has been sick.

6) I appear to have mislaid my wallet after an intensive course of advanced beer studies last night.

7) A taxi driver from Barnsley who didn't know where Eccy Road is. How on earth can a taxi working in Sheffield not know where Hunters Bar is?

8) My printer is playing up.

9) My next door neighbour seems to be holding the international festival of drilling and sanding which is going really well. We are now onto day 4. This festival isn't really compatible with the after effects of the advanced beer studies i participated in last night.

10) An accountant who has now spent a month setting up a company after getting it wrong twice.


I think I might just go to bed and forget about today.

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My day can only get better. Almost finished now so will be walking home shortly to find something nice to eat. I might get distracted on the way home by one of the many pubs, but then again I might just happily continue on my journey home and relax in front of the telly whilst eating and watching the footy. Mmmm.... decisions :suspect:

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Just an update. That email *still* hasn't arrived!


And I've just realised that I've dropped my bank card in said show flat, and won't be back there till friday.


Still... off to the pub to play pool now with my housemate! So things are starting to look up.


And Jongo... i'm incredibly sorry you've been laid off, its really crappy, but I'm still allowed to have a bad day :rolleyes:

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I was having a bad day after getting laid off, but then I came on here and am now having a worse day after listening to people whinging about being at work :rolleyes:


If it makes you feel better I've been out of work since October, though now you're probably thinking "oh my god it could be that long for me!". Don't worry, there were a LOT more complicated circumstances involved.


I've feeling very brave today, I asked my date last week how she thought the date went, I'm attempting to get somebody to have a phone chat with me even though I hate talking on the phone, and I've created 2 new holes in my body, well almost, the 2nd is trying not to be a success. It's almost like having old friends back.

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