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How is he supposed to represent me?

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I voted earlier today.


As is my democratic right I scanned the ballot paper to check out all the candidates even the ones I wasnt planning to vote for.


All of them lived in my bit of town except one who didnt even live in Sheffield!!!


I find this a bit of a cheek.

How is this guy suposed to have a handle on local affairs, assuming he's elected in, when he lives an hour away?


And I know Blair lives in Downing St but at least he maintains the pretence of keeping a house in Sedgefield as well as Prescott, Mandy etc etc who all have houses in their own constituencies.


Any thoughts?



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Originally posted by sanman

To be honest most MPs spend precious little time in their constituencies anyway. They are kept abreast of events through the local party, papers, letters and surgeries.


This is not strictly true in Sheffield. Most of the MPs in Sheffield are home most weekends.


Speculative candidates generally don't imagine they're going to win so neither move home nor resign their council seats.

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Originally posted by ukdavvy



I voted earlier today.


As is my democratic right I scanned the ballot paper to check out all the candidates even the ones I wasnt planning to vote for.


All of them lived in my bit of town except one who didnt even live in Sheffield!!!


I find this a bit of a cheek.

How is this guy suposed to have a handle on local affairs, assuming he's elected in, when he lives an hour away?


And I know Blair lives in Downing St but at least he maintains the pretence of keeping a house in Sedgefield as well as Prescott, Mandy etc etc who all have houses in their own constituencies.


Any thoughts?




If elected I think that you would find that they would have a local presence. They are not going to buy a property here if not elected are they?

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I'm very reluctant to vote for anyone who does not live in the area they are representing.


Fortunately, when I went to vote earlier today I was able to vote for the person I wanted to knowing they live in the local area and have local knowledge.

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Originally posted by ukdavvy



I voted earlier today.


As is my democratic right I scanned the ballot paper to check out all the candidates even the ones I wasnt planning to vote for.


All of them lived in my bit of town except one who didnt even live in Sheffield!!!


I find this a bit of a cheek.

How is this guy suposed to have a handle on local affairs, assuming he's elected in, when he lives an hour away?


And I know Blair lives in Downing St but at least he maintains the pretence of keeping a house in Sedgefield as well as Prescott, Mandy etc etc who all have houses in their own constituencies.


Any thoughts?




tis wasn't the Lib Dem Candidate in Hillsbrough was it? I noticed that they lived in Manchester and any chance of them getting my vote vanished.

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Originally posted by Kezza1

well I'am sorry but the candidate who lives in Coventry is the BNP ....... are you seriously telling me you looked at him as a serious candidate anyway !!! :o


I already knew that... and of course I didn't consider him a serious candidate! Was just curious to see what address he put on the voting slip as I already knew he was from Coventry but James' address appears on the list of candidates on the election website. I bet he will be fuming at Jeremy Paxman referring to him as the National Front candidate tonight lol.... not far off though, according to his views and his past!

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