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House Prices Up 2% in Jan, End Of Recession?


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Any port in a storm ? Where else to invest money now....there is no attractive looking investment anywhere at the moment. If you have a deposit saved and you do want to buy long term...and you also have a mortgage agreed, this might be your only chance in the next year. It will suit some people, but for most you are right....prices are much more likely to be lower in 6 months time than higher

Gold, or even a FTSE 100 tracker would be a better bet in the medium term than housing stock.

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So is the end of recession near, House prices were up 2% in Jan, more mortages are being given.


Hopefully we are through the worst now??


This is the kind of advice you would take if you were completely stupid, its is patent from these comments that you have no understanding of the cyclical nature of economics - it is not goverened by house prices. The significantly increasing unemployment is more telling than a few houses selling to the minority with cash on the hip

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i suppose i was just got lucky then (as if) ....... try listening to the guys at the leading edge of these trends for once


Opportunism, hypocrisy or trolling [delete as appropriate] really doesn't become you ;)


Especially, after all those posts, you have now admitted that you lowered your asking price.

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How much food does the UK import exactly, wasn't the whole point of the CAP to be strategically able to supply our own food if we ever needed to?


Most of it, the last I recall from a few resonably recent Dispatches/Panorama (although I'll admit I am currently trawling for stats).


The CAP is and has always been one giant exercise in "EU subsidies communicating vases".

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It's quite possible to buy british, lots of people make a fuss about it, in which case those farmers at least should be doing well by the weak pound and that will encourage them to increase production.

I don't think we're at a point where we couldn't feed ourselves if the need arose, the main problem for uk farmers have been comparatively high prices, that's changed at the moment due to the exchange rate, so in theory our local production will now grow.

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I sometimes still translate some expressions literally (English isn't my mother tongue), unaware.


Tubes? Conduits? Vessels? <over to you :D>


It's quite possible to buy british, lots of people make a fuss about it, in which case those farmers at least should be doing well by the weak pound and that will encourage them to increase production.


I don't think we're at a point where we couldn't feed ourselves if the need arose, the main problem for uk farmers have been comparatively high prices, that's changed at the moment due to the exchange rate, so in theory our local production will now grow.


I agree (under reserve where our ability to feed ourselves is concerned, though). What proportion of farmers would require investment to increase production, though, and in what quantity? There has been much noise not so long ago about some farms investing massively in cutting-edge agrarian technology (e.g. that giant greenhouse somewhere down South, mostly automated etc.), but how representative a sample?


And would that be a limiting factor, or would we see the agrarian sector to the rescue of the financial sector (as a safest investment bet yet, to spur Gordon's much desired money lending) and, indirectly, service-led UK Plc, in a bout of twisted fate?

Edited by L00b
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This is the kind of advice you would take if you were completely stupid, its is patent from these comments that you have no understanding of the cyclical nature of economics - it is not goverened by house prices. The significantly increasing unemployment is more telling than a few houses selling to the minority with cash on the hip



All I can see from your post is that infact, you are the stupid one :loopy:

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