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Unimpressed by job applicants

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i had the misfortune of interviewing a young man who was on the New Deal scheme, he got an interview score of minus 19 (a smile will earn you 1 point!), he made absolutely no effort whatsoever, and i got the impression he was there purely so he could say he was actively looking for work and they did not stop his benefits - playing the system?

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i had the misfortune of interviewing a young man who was on the New Deal scheme, he got an interview score of minus 19 (a smile will earn you 1 point!), he made absolutely no effort whatsoever, and i got the impression he was there purely so he could say he was actively looking for work and they did not stop his benefits - playing the system?


As an ex jobcentre manager, I would suggest you inform the jobcentre of his behaviour. He won't be allowed to do it again if you report this. The jobcentre have a responsibility to employers too, sending them wasters is not acceptable.

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Just interviewed yet another candidate for a job in my shop and i have to say im not in the least bit impressed. Ive interviewed many applicants and all have been a let down and im starting to think no one wants to work.

These people have been scruffy, rude, late or not even turned up at all and heres me thinking we are in a recession.

Has anyone elsse found they are having similar problems or is it just me?


Sounds like they wantto stay on the dole!

What kind of shop is it you run?

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Just interviewed yet another candidate for a job in my shop and i have to say im not in the least bit impressed. Ive interviewed many applicants and all have been a let down and im starting to think no one wants to work.

These people have been scruffy, rude, late or not even turned up at all and heres me thinking we are in a recession.

Has anyone elsse found they are having similar problems or is it just me?


I'm not entirely surprised by this, at the moment we have around 550,000 vacancies and 1.16 million signing on as actively seeking work.


By my calculations you should have a one in two chance of getting job on average, this means that employees can still at the moment be fairly choosey about the jobs they go after.


Over time this will change, if we ever get back to the Unemployment levels we had under the Tories then you will be in a position to attract better applicants.


At the moment though, it still seems that employers are having to choose between poor applicants from the indegenous population and workers from overseas.


I suspect this situation will change shortly though!

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As an ex jobcentre manager, I would suggest you inform the jobcentre of his behaviour. He won't be allowed to do it again if you report this. The jobcentre have a responsibility to employers too, sending them wasters is not acceptable.


this was last summer, it wasnt a complete waste of my time as i quite enjoyed putting him through a two hour interview of probing questions and watching him squirm!

as a company that activley works with the jobcentre in guarenteeing that anyone who is on the new deal and gets more than a 'red' mark on their application form questionniare will be invited for interview it is glaringly obvious to distinguish between those that want a job and those that dont.

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I am in my 50's and I still play computer games, I've even written a level for a game called "Thief" and have plans to write a few more, I'm a fan of the stealth genre.


A persons age is no barrier to knowing about games, or to being employed in a shop selling them.


I suggest the OP looks for the best person rather than the best young person.


im 33, female and run a gaming clan. 30 + people from around the world and run a forum. age has nothing to do with gaming i agree. what does make me laugh is the amount of omg your female comments i had over the years lol.

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im 33, female and run a gaming clan. 30 + people from around the world and run a forum. age has nothing to do with gaming i agree. what does make me laugh is the amount of omg your female comments i had over the years lol.


It does, demographic studies would show it. But over 30 isn't the wrong demographic anymore, I think that males between the ages of 20 and 35 are probably the highest spending gaming demographic there is. Remember, if you're in your mid 30's now, you weren't even born when pong was invented and would have been a teen at most when the sega came out. 30 year olds have grown up with gaming and whilst some grow out of it, some just have more money to spend.

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