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My feet are too big!

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I have been trying to buy some shoes to go to a wedding. Problem is that i have size 8 feet. The problem is that when trying to buy nice medium heeled shoes that aren't frumpy they inevitably don't have my size and often don't even have size 7! I know quite a few people who have larger feet so i don't think i'm that unusual.

One explanation given to me today was that when a box of shoes comes in there is a range of sizes and usually only one size 8.

I'm sure i read somewhere that the average size is 6 or 7 so why do they only cater for average?

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Originally posted by Sal22

why do they only cater for average?


because its more cost effective? business is all about making money... your not going to buy lots of size 8 shoes if there's only the odd person going to require them :P can't you get somewhere to order you a pair of the shoes you want?

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I sympathise with you sal!


I'm 7 or 8, and know how you feel, but since generally people are getting taller, surely it is quite reasonable that their feet should get bigger too?!


The other thing that bugs me is that all the shoes on display are a size 4 or 5, and they look lovely, but when you see them in a 7 or 8 they don't look nearly so nice!


I would reccomend always asking in shops if they can order an 8 for you, they often can (Faith for example do quite a lot of their shoes up to a 9 and can get them sent to the shop for you). Also, if you see some shoes you like in a shop that also sells online, try ordering that way.


I'd also try Next directory, they do all their shoes up to at least an 8, and I have found they are generally quite generous sizes.


Good luck!

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im 11and half / 12 depending on the shoe :heyhey:


mind you...i dont NEED heels....(i just like em hahahaha)



if ur prepared to wait then im sure a decent shop would order a pair you like your own size. the sizes exsist...its just they stock the averages because thats what they know will sell.

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I have a friend who has the exact opposite problem.


Barratts and Saxones (if you can find one) both have tall and small departments.


Hush Puppies and K Shoes also do larger sizes.


Hope this helps.

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I'm a size 8 and can honestly say I have never had a problem buying shoes or boots - my other half will vouch for that!! Too many shoes in his opinion! :smile:


It can be a problem in the sales though - very limited choice in the larger sizes.

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Originally posted by xafier

your not going to buy lots of size 8 shoes if there's only the odd person going to require them :P


I don't think that it is only the odd person who requires them. the point about averages was that if 6 is the average then being 2 sizes bigger is not that much. Most shoes start at a 3 which is 3 sizes smaller.

I do get shoes off the internet sometimes but it's difficult without trying them on. i end up sending most of them back.

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I have size 9 feet, Evans is no good for me because their shoes are big (which is good) but far to wide for me, the knee boots just fall back down my legs as my legs are not fat enough for them and the shoes just slip off.


Next is excellent, you cannot get size 9's in the shop but through their internet site, though there is often a long wait for them as they tend to be 'out of stock'


I have recently been getting shoes imported from the USA via ebay as they are cheap and have nice styles in bigger sizes, (USA 11=UK9), the postage makes them about the same price as next shoes. The UK ebay seems to think that everyone who is looking for size 9's are men and are therefore classed as TV interest!


tallgirls.co.uk is fab for big feet too but your looking at £60 for a decent pair though the sale stuff is good.


Ninewest are my fave shoes at the moment and I get them imported from the USA.


Hope you find a decent pair, It is getting easier to find bigger womens sizes but it is not cheap!!

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Wel i sympathise whole heartedly as i'm a size 10 Yes 10!!!!! But as i am male i guess that makes me normal! Have you tried circusworld just of the M1 they do your size but only in yellow with a big nobbiliy bit on't end!


happy hunting :thumbsup:

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