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Freedom For Scotland

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I don't have a major problem with Scotland being a nation unto itself. I'd actively encourage the Welsh to do the same.


Not in favour of decentralisation of power per se though - I reckon the current system of locally administered nations and wards would work better if it were headed by a central world government. With a single currency and nominal first language.

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Is there any chance we can ever resurrect the Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire?


it would be great if we could


No it bloody wouldn't. We might finally be starting to shed this god awful socialist image, and who knows, it might actually be worth voting for conservative in this region by the time I have grandkids!

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It's difficult to see how Scotland could be truly independent unless the people were prepared to accept a much lower standard of living. Never mind the oil (which is a finite resource and will run out one day), the country doesn't have the infrastructure or the level of industry to support it independently of anyone else. It was all very well in the days when it was almost exclusively rural and there was largely a subsistence economy, but in the modern world it won't work. Just look at the difficulties of supporting the communities in the countryside of the Highlands and Islands--under independence they would be isolated and it would trigger another emigration to the cities where there may well not be enough work to absorb them. Scotland does do relatively well out of tourism, admittedly, but that is a very fickle and unpredictable thing and if people can go abroad for the same cost or less they won't want to go North. Besides, how can we define Scotland as Scottish when a sizeable proportion of the population is of non-Scottish origin?

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We'd never again get a Government that represented anybody other than Southern Conservatives, wide boys, spivs, investment bankers, the sort of people who have precipitated a massive stock market and banking crash but still walk off with millions of pounds in their pockets.


I'm thinking along the lines of Northern England seeking autonomy and siding with the Scottish actually

Actually, we'd get a government which was chosen by people with the education and intellect to make an informed decision at the polling booths.

That includes people from all over the country who don't blindly vote for Labour just because they think it's there duty as a working class oik.

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Originally Posted by Jason Bourne

Is there any chance we can ever resurrect the Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire?



Originally Posted by johnphillips

it would be great if we could


No it bloody wouldn't. We might finally be starting to shed this god awful socialist image, and who knows, it might actually be worth voting for conservative in this region by the time I have grandkids!
I do hope JB and JP above are both joking - the idea that anybody could fail to see the horrendous damage that years of bitter class-envious left-wing local government has done to this city is quite beyond me.
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I do hope JB and JP above are both joking - the idea that anybody could fail to see the horrendous damage that years of bitter class-envious left-wing local government has done to this city is quite beyond me.


It is a genuine question - the only way to tempt me back onto public transport would be to lower the bus fares to tuppence again.

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It is a genuine question - the only way to tempt me back onto public transport would be to lower the bus fares to tuppence again.
And who should pay for low bus fares for Sheffield's workers - by any chance those who find themselves the victims of a tax based simply on the size of their house, not their income?
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We'd never again get a Government that represented anybody other than Southern Conservatives, wide boys, spivs, investment bankers, the sort of people who have precipitated a massive stock market and banking crash but still walk off with millions of pounds in their pockets.


I'm thinking along the lines of Northern England seeking autonomy and siding with the Scottish actually


You Sir talk a lot of sence stuff the South and lets look after our own

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