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Girl aged 3 left to die in pub (Parents now sentenced)

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A. As stated earlier, we couldn't help her as it was so well hidden

B. As also stated earlier, the rest of her family aren't gonna do anything so any better suggestions are sincerely welcome.

C. I actually think that Tiffany was at her happiest when she was downstairs with the 'drinkers' in the pub as they paid her attention and she was surrounded by friendly people - unlike when she was upstairs. So I do actually think the naming of the room idea is quite a good one.


If I knew how to post a picture I would & it would show just how happy she does look, sat down in the pub with her pop & a smile on her face.


You'd need to add it to one of the photo sites like photobucket or flickr and then you can paste the link. I saw the photo of her in The Star yesterday, she was a beautiful little girl.

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i think its a good idea so as not to forget the memory of tiffany


But in the pub ?


How depressing will it be to drink in a pub with a plaque on the wall reminding you that a child staved to death in the rooms above you ?

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I understand what you're saying Nick but downstairs in the pub was where Tiffany was happiest. It is heart breaking to think of what she went through but she smiled when she was downstairs.


I admit it would be strange at first but I think it would be nice to have a memorial for Tiffany inside the pub, downstairs where she enjoyed herself and did actually smile.

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Personally, I dont think that it should ever open as a pub again.


I don't think many people will want to drink there now, I know I wouldn't.


I understand what people want with the memorial thing, but I think a small garden or somewhere outside would be better than the filthy old pub where she died. Though I suppose thousands of kids die of abuse every year and don't get any kind of memorial.

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just signed petition. 127 signatures now.

should have been murder not manslaughter.

manslaughter is when you don.t intend to kill.

obviously in this case THEY knew what they were doing.r,i,p Tiffany.hope the other two children find love and happiness.

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