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UNITED finish above wednesday AGAIN

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bladeblank, why do you keep shouting FIREMAN at the end of your posts ?

Are you having them strange fantasies again ?

You really need to get yourself off that stuff...you should...TALK TO FRANK !


Meanwhile back on the 'Sheffield Football' forum some porky posters continued to post meaningless drivel........sigh.....back to Owlstalk where even the abusive posts are more interesting and make some sense !


are you only allowed to post on one forum at a time micky love..



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bladeblank, why do you keep shouting FIREMAN at the end of your posts ?

Are you having them strange fantasies again ?

You really need to get yourself off that stuff...you should...TALK TO FRANK !


Meanwhile back on the 'Sheffield Football' forum some porky posters continued to post meaningless drivel........sigh.....back to Owlstalk where even the abusive posts are more interesting and make some sense !


Ironic statement of the day. :suspect:

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And along comes the original.....Quote.....paste and one line of nothing...sorry half a line of absolutely nothing....old boy chuffinel...read your own posts back old lad...not just ironic yourself but flamin embarrassing...me...I'm just dumbing down what's your excuse ?

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And along comes the original.....Quote.....paste and one line of nothing...sorry half a line of absolutely nothing....old boy chuffinel...read your own posts back old lad...not just ironic yourself but flamin embarrassing...me...I'm just dumbing down what's your excuse ?


Now sir, I will try to keep this civilized, so I say to you that if you can't distinguish between bolding and pasting then you're further out in left field than I thought.

Look up the definition of "irony"

The point of my post above was to point out the irony of you posting about drivel being posted when you are doing the exact(this is bold not paste) same thing.

Now, if you can find an example of my postings that comes close to your level of banality then I would like to see them/it.

As regards your "dumbing down" comment maybe you can also find and show me a posting where I "dumb down" by using the stupid epithets that seem to be prevalent in your vocabulary.

Seems to me that you don't have very far to travel in order to "dumb down"

Are you, by any chance, our dearly unmourned "lestat" in a recycled format ? :rant::gag::loopy:

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Chuffinel, I ask you, do you read all the posts or are you just selective ?

May I say that, yes, I do know what irony is and so ask the same of you...would you then like to read my other post and 'bold' my last reply to alex, then you may understand (if that's possible) my level of benality and a brief outline as to my 'dumbing down' !

You sir can take no high ground on here because your general level of posting is no better..like I said...Quote....paste...then a half/oneline smartarse remark !

Now when these threads expire or get back on track I will take note of what you have to offer in terms of Sheffield Football discussion, because from over there you can't have seen much since Woodward and Currie...so when your ready...what do you think about United finishing above Wednesday again ?

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Chuffinel, I ask you, do you read all the posts or are you just selective ?

May I say that, yes, I do know what irony is and so ask the same of you...would you then like to read my other post and 'bold' my last reply to alex, then you may understand (if that's possible) my level of benality and a brief outline as to my 'dumbing down' !

You sir can take no high ground on here because your general level of posting is no better..like I said...Quote....paste...then a half/oneline smartarse remark !

Now when these threads expire or get back on track I will take note of what you have to offer in terms of Sheffield Football discussion, because from over there you can't have seen much since Woodward and Currie...so when your ready...what do you think about United finishing above Wednesday again ?


but am i right in understanding you live in sheffield and are very SELECTIVE in the games you attend. part timer.

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My sentiments exactly alex, to you I apologise, I have to admit I have been deliberately responding to certain posters using the low level rhetoric which spoils this forum...by being as basic as them...hope we cross paths when things improve...on more relevant threads...UTO !


At the risk of falling into a deep sleep I have gone back through your football related posts to 23rd January 2008 onwards, would you be a poppet and point out which ones make up a veritable lexicon of punditry and in depth analysis.


I'm finding it a struggle to find one that doesn't contain the word pig, pork blah, blah, blah, blah.


You have made more posts now the season is over than when games were played, although I suppose it is hard to contribute to threads about actual games when you haven't seen them. ;):D

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