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ADHD...Sick of feeling like a bad parent...


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I think there is now more awreness of ADHD but there are still a lot of professionals who are untrained when it comes to supporting kids with ADHD, Aspergers, Dyspraxia ect. These are co morbid conditions and really any staff who come in to contact with children with these conditions really do need to be more aware of how they can help them.


Re feeling like a bad parent, I do this everyday and my son is 20 years old. He has just had a screeming fit at me as he misunderstood what I said when I said I could drop him off at Broomhill and he thought that I said would give him a lift to work. When he realised this he became very angry/aggressive as he was then aware he would be late for work. The only solution to him not feeling bad about that was to blame me and think of all the bad things that he could to say about me.


Feeling like a bad parent is something that I do occasionally,but then I pick myself up,brush myself down and wait for the onslaught at tea time. What else can we do but carry on??

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okay, there is a guy called Andy who runs a japanese fighting class basically called tengu, we'd just started it my eldest asds and middlest who was 5 at the time and as and adhd loved it, he was brilliant, a special needs teacher, he'd clocked my kids straight away, and they loved it, tbfair middlest did spend a few sessions having lots of little time outs - i decided to stay and watch a few times, but my son respected him so much more for it, and he learnt to calm and focus, it was bril, plus they got to learn to use a samurai sword - wooden version of course - which was it for them, couldnt get enough, it was £10 a week and they could go up to 5x a week for that, ie they could 1 day or 5, it was still £10 a week, siblings were £5 more a week. Its based in meersbrook on valey road. We only left as they were ill for ages, then we moved, and I don't drive.

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I agree with 8itch and eejay174. You grow used to the snide comments of can't you control that child or he'/ she is just trouble. He/ she will be locked up by the time they are 15.

You do learn to live with it.

My son without warning used to hit people especially at bus stops and I used to apologise all the time but he did not see it as wrong what he was doing. He just saw that someone was staring at him for running round uncontrollably or to him as he normally was so he hit them for staring at him. He was diagnosed with A.D.H.D. and, Oppositional conduct disorder at 2 year old then at 7 with dyslexia. He is now doing well at college even though the school would not teach him from the end of yr 7 or as their words were "we have got him to the end of the year now its up to you". They would not permanently exclude him as they received all the money for his special needs.

I got him involved in rugby which he now still continues to do but it helped to get rid of some of the pent up aggression in him. He still walks off the pitch if he thinks he is not doing thing right even though the rest of the team may also be having a bad game. He blames himself for the mistakes. He could not managed boxing as there was too much concentration involved. He just wanted to get into the ring and fight anyone no matter how big they were. He's a teenager now and the hormones are going daft as well as the A.D.H.D and associated conditions. Please do not give in or give up your Son or Daughter will pull through the difficult times but they are the most loving children you could ever wish for.

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Hi there,just to offer my sympathy and support.My son was diagnosed ADHD at the age of 7 years old and we have been through the route of medication,counselling,therapy etc.It is tough and it is not your fault.Bringing up such a child is completely differently to the so called "normal way"of doing it.We have three children(only one with ADHD).We eventually kicked him out of the house at 17 years(police helped).Massive guilt etc.We now get on absolutely brilliant,but to get there has torn our hearts out.The advice we received was ,amongst many,was-look at unusual ways of dealing with things-the confrontation,tempers,your control etc.You are pushed to your limit on a daily basis and often dont know which way to turn.I could carry on all day about what weve been through but hang in there,you will get there.Approach things differently,stuff anyone elses comments such as ("he just needs a bloody good hiding").Sorry to carry on,it brings back a lot of memories.Neville

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Hi Lady B.


Our 6 yr old son has ASD and possible ADHD. His behaviour is challanging and he can sometimes be aggressive, school find him difficult to manage at times.

We have recently got him a 1:1 swimming instructor for a 35 min lesson at upperthorpe baths (zest)who is amazing with him. You would never know the problems he has when you see them and he gets the best out of my son.

Also just got him skiing at the ski village with a 1:1 instructor. It's expensive but worth every penny. It's so nice to channel the energy into something positive. I hope you find somewhere for your son soon.

If you contact SNIPS they can help fund a playworker to support your son at such groups.

There are lots of people out there like that karate guy, his loss.

(We are always getting tutted at!)


Chin up x

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Hi Lady B.


Our 6 yr old son has ASD and possible ADHD. His behaviour is challanging and he can sometimes be aggressive, school find him difficult to manage at times.

We have recently got him a 1:1 swimming instructor for a 35 min lesson at upperthorpe baths (zest)who is amazing with him. You would never know the problems he has when you see them and he gets the best out of my son.

Also just got him skiing at the ski village with a 1:1 instructor. It's expensive but worth every penny. It's so nice to channel the energy into something positive. I hope you find somewhere for your son soon.

If you contact SNIPS they can help fund a playworker to support your son at such groups.

There are lots of people out there like that karate guy, his loss.

(We are always getting tutted at!)


Chin up x




hiya Jenny,


How much does the 1 to 1 at upperthorpe cost? (hope you dont mind my asking :))

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As soon as i saw ADHD and fed up of feeling like a bad parent i thought one of two things:




Which are the usual ones to make us feel like that :)

Have you tried calling him up to speak with him away from the class enviroment to explain whats what?

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