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Childhood illnesses, jabs and operations

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My daughter is due to have her jabs on Wednesday and can't decide on having the MMR or having the seperate jabs (anyone know the how and where i could get this done)


Any thoughts or experiences on this are welcomed, its very worrying


Samantha Andrews


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Just go with the MMR. All mine had it and they were fine.

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I have had MMR twice and I am fine.

I think the correlation some doctors have claimed exists is just coincidence, because children have the jab at around the same time as autism is usually detected in young children.

Many thousands of children have had it with no problems.

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From what I’ve read on the subject Scandinavia has an exceptionally high uptake of the MMR vaccine and there is no statistical evidence of increased autism despite what Dr Andrew Wakefield may claim, sadly we had the usual media frenzy over here and the truth got lost somewhere.


You have a right to be concerned, - I’d have a word with your GP or do some independent research and come to your own conclusions.

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My son's autistic, and not because of MMR, he was born his special way.


The symptoms for most children appear at around the same time as they have the vaccination, its been a good focus of blame for parents and professionals that have no answer to the resounding WHY!! I personally think Dr Wakefield has a lot to answer for!


But if you have any doubts speak to your GP or health visitor, they'll certainly know what's available, but don't risk your child not getting the protection they need.

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I have just read about a study in Japan which proves the connection wrong. Yokohama stopped giving the triple vaccine in something like 1992, yet rates of autism continued to rise slowly.


I think some parents look for someone to blame when they find out their child is not "perfect" instead of accepting them for who they are.

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It's great to see consensus on an issue that divided so many people such a short time ago. Not only did our child get the MMR jab, but she also got the then experimental Meningitis C vaccine. She's having the genital wart (cervical cancer) vaccine too, as soon as that's out. I'll have no under-stimulated immune systems in my house!

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I had an OT friend who researched this for her degree recently and the literature seems to suggest that there could be a link, not to autism, but a form of disorder on the autistic spectrum (can't remember the name of it now) or at least, a link couldn't be ruled out.


In this case, I won't risk my son's health, however small the risk. I'll be having the jabs done separately when the time comes in a few months.

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Little Purple got MMR'd too - no problems apart from the doctor's burst eardrums :rolleyes:

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Go with it, both ours have had MMR, no probs, no risk to them or the herd.


I see "Dr." Wakefield is in front of the GMC in a bit of an ethics tangle. Hope he gets whats due...

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I had an OT friend who researched this for her degree recently and the literature seems to suggest that there could be a link, not to autism, but a form of disorder on the autistic spectrum (can't remember the name of it now) or at least, a link couldn't be ruled out.


In this case, I won't risk my son's health, however small the risk. I'll be having the jabs done separately when the time comes in a few months.


Sorry RozeePozee, but that's plain silly. You base your decision on the work of an amateur researcher instead of the summed knowledge and expertise of eminent scientists!!! Crazy! Your son will be at much greater risk by not having the vaccine. The single jabs are unlicensed, not as effective and not as safe and not as well researched and tested. Nor are they made to the same standards: Czech Republic! Even if separate jabs did work as well, you would be subjecting your child to lots of unnecessary pain from all of those extra needles!

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Some friends of ours had to have both their children re-immunized with separate jabs, because the first set of single vaccines were not administered properly - i.e. by outfits with an eye on profits, not medical care.

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