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Thanking bus driver as you get off - any point?


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I'm, seemingly, with the majority on this one - I always thank the driver for safely getting me to my destination. Simple manners really isn't it?

On the subject of buses, I tell you what really does annoy me though - young people (ie/ below the age of 50) sitting in the seats at the front, when there are signs saying they are priority seats for the elderly.

And people who get on, and are having to stand, but rather than move all the way down the bus to the back, they congregate right near the doors! Arrgh! They really are my pet hates!!

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I have also always thanked bus drivers, and last time I was on a coach trip we all tipped the driver, even though I paid through the nose for the trip.

I suppose it depends on how your bought up my mum would of clipped me round the ear if I didnt say please and thanks.


I have also found its amazing how infectious a smile can be, you dont need to say thanks if you can just smile at them it says it for you.

Is everyone so misserable that when someone does smile at them or be polite they go into shock?

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I hail from Manchester and have to say thanking the bus driver seems common practice. I think it is more about how you are brought up than a geographical thing.

Having said that, on a trip to London I was appalled by the rudeness of some of the passengers on the Tube. I always allow people alighting to do so before I get on. Several times I stepped back to allow this to happen only for people behind me to just push their way on. Inside was no better. I gave up my seat to an elderly woman who was standing only for a strapping lad to jump in it. Upon protesting, he just looked at me as if I was from another planet.

He did give up his seat after some persuasion.

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Originally posted by Briano

Just had an incredibly good idea! (By my standards...) :idea:


You may have noticed in some motorway services, they have smilies outside the loo's. You just press it depending on how you feel the state of the place is and I assume it totals the number of pushes... :):|:mad:


We should have them on all the buses!


yup, thats a good one. dole offices, workplaces, shops etc.


Could become quite ubiquitous if people use them

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I think it's only polite to thank the driver, and find that most people do in most of the cities I've visited - generally in Sheffield my thanks are acknowledged in some way ("thanks mate", "cheers", etc.) by Yorkshire Terrier drivers, and generally ignored by First drivers (but there's a separate discussion about which company is the best elsewhere on this forum...)


...although if it's one of those drivers who has spent the whole trip chatting to his mate who's been standing by him all the way, it's pretty justified to leave in silence I think.

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This thread is pointless. It 's like saying "what's the point in saying good morning to work colleagues?" and "just why do we say 'Happy New Year' and 'Happy Birthday' to people?"


It's culture, it's tradition.


People go round saying these things because they were brought up to do so, and do so without even thinking about it.



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