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Anyone Interested In Making A film..?

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Would there be any amongst us all who can make a film based in Sheffield. Looking for Ideas and locaiotns and moods to recreate Sheffield. WANTED - People fomr all areas.. what we start out as fun could turn into something we can all be proud of. Its just an idead but it could work - and it could be fun. Ideas - Equipment.


It struck me the other day when I was watching directors of other such classics that it really is easy when you have an idea to turn it into something that all can appreciate..


What Do you think....

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  • 7 months later...

First I'd say you need a good script before embarking on making of a film. What sort of film would you be interested in making?


Do you have a budget or are you just gonna wing it. I'm in the middle of writing a script at them moment, but it IS top secret and probably would be better off in a more renoun city such a Manchester or London.

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I had a similar idea some time ago when I was into the Visual Graphics side of things on the PC, had all the software for it too like Adobe Premier and Combustion.......the idea I had was to make an existing book into a movie using some locations in Sheffield, I was thinking of a Discworld book (Terry Pratchett) being made into a film as I know that Terry Pratchett loves to see films that fans have made, and one perfect location is that weird church near Sharrow, I think it's Cemetary Road church, has weird shaped doorways and a spooky looking derelict building, very scary place.

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

Do you have a bidget or are you just gonna wing it. I'm in the middle of writing a script at them moment, but it IS top secret and probably would be better off in a more renoun city such a Manchester or London.


What better way to help increase a city's renoundedness than make a film in it? :D


(nb., is renoundedness a word??)

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ooooh i would love to make a film as long as i can have the main part and the main part is a glamourous young woman. If filming was scheduled round me id work for free too.


Lets film it in a nice leafy suburb like ecclesall - maybe it could be a murder mystery

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Originally posted by kittykat

ooooh i would love to make a film as long as i can have the main part and the main part is a glamourous young woman. If filming was scheduled round me id work for free too.


Lets film it in a nice leafy suburb like ecclesall - maybe it could be a murder mystery



(in best Dick Emery Voice)

Ooooh you are awful!!

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