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It's so very windy


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I live on the edge of the valley with a window which has warped so doesn't close.


I got woken up to the sky falling and its like waiting for window to blow off...

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we got up last night, to investigate a very loud crash, which woke us up...


the winds have wreaked havoc in my back garden.


My garden shed is toppled over, (the walls have been lifted clean off the base) and the shed roof is missing.


what Joy! (and Mr PT is so impressed; we are going to have to call the brother in law over to help deal with the mess/ repair)


And the gas meter cupboard door has been broken, too; the wind has wrenched it off its hinges. more joy! (it's going to be three weeks or so before the workman can come from the housing to repapir it. Apparently, it's not an emergency, that the meter is exposed.



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Originally posted by jessycar

It must be you who is mentioned in the Star then. It says two people got blown over at that tram stop.


How did they know that, unless they read this forum ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by genesiscouch

The wind makes me so tense... well maybe it's the car alarm that keeps going off somewhere out there. I think it's the wind triggering it. I don't think I'll sleep at all tonight. :(


This could possibly be related to the alarm your hearing genesiscouch. Hope you manage some sleep ;)



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